PCT Home > Period: 2020 - July Continuing

Political Contributions Tracker

2020 - July Continuing

Showing all reports on file from the 2020 - July Continuing reporting period

Politician Amount Contributions Average
Alex Brower $1,932 12 $161
Aycha Sawa $5,560 9 $618
Robert Bauman $0 0 $0
Bob Donovan $0 0 $0
Cavalier Johnson $1,739 13 $134
Derek Mosley $0 0 $0
Jacob Marek $46 2 $23
Jason Auerbach $205 4 $51
Jason Fields $3,960 9 $440
JoCasta Zamarripa $530 14 $38
José G. Pérez $500 1 $500
Justin Bielinski $60 2 $30
Khalif Rainey $100 1 $100
Lena Taylor $5,852 54 $108
Leonard Goudy $0 0 $0
Marina Dimitrijevic $1,628 5 $326
Mark Borkowski $300 3 $100
Milele A. Coggs $2,822 15 $188
Nik Kovac $1,375 10 $138
Nikiya Dodd $4,787 16 $299
Patty Doherty $0 0 $0
Peter Burgelis $2,546 4 $636
Scott Spiker $285 3 $95
Spencer Coggs $2,350 4 $588

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NOTE: Currently missing in this beta release are expenses, loans, in-kind contributions and account balances. We are working to add that information as soon as possible.

Interested in helping digitize old reports? Email us at info@UrbanMilwaukee.com