
Green Drinks

Green Drinks

Green Drinks is a monthly event where you can meet people, network, do a business deal, learn something new or maybe even find a job! Check out green drinks to get an idea of the scope of this movement! Join like-minded people in an informal and unstructured setting to talk about the latest sustainability happenings in Milwaukee and globally. Meet people in various green professions. Have a drink (alcoholic or not), order food (or not), but enjoy lively conversations and good ideas. Anyone interested in green and sustainability is welcome.  No RSVP is necessary and feel free to pass this notice on to others who might be interested. Location: Club Charlies (located between Milwaukee St. and Broadway St. – across from MIAD in the third ward). 320 E. Menomonee Milwaukee, WI 53202. The back area of the bar will be reserved for Milwaukee Green Drinks and there is lots of street parking out front.

Milwaukee County: Committee on Transporation, Public Works and Transit
Milwaukee County

Committee on Transporation, Public Works and Transit

The mission of the Department of Public Works, including the construction and maintenance of county highways, bridges and public structures are the responsibility of this Committee. Members discuss all matters pertaining to the policy of mass transit and the Milwaukee County Transit System, including fares, service routes and capital improvements. The Committee discusses all matters under its jurisdiction pertaining to railroads and public utilities in the county. Meets at 9:00 A.M. on the 3rd Wednesday before the County Board Meeting Agenda Addendum No. 1

Public Safety Committee Meeting

Public Safety Committee Meeting

The Public Safety Committee is concerned with issues brought forth from the fire, police, health and neighborhood services departments as well as traffic control, emergency medical services and parking. It also licenses alarm businesses and public passenger vehicles and drivers. Agenda

Public Works Committee Meeting

Public Works Committee Meeting

The Public Works Committee is responsible for physical services provided by the city such as street and alley maintenance, waste collection, disposal and recycling, sewer, water and flood control projects, assessments, public buildings, land and waterways. Public Works Committee meetings start at 9:00 a.m. and are held in the Room 301-B, City Hall, unless otherwise noted. Agenda

Common Council Meeting

Common Council Meeting

City Hall 200 East Wells St. Common Council Chambers Milwaukee, WI 53202 Agenda

City Plan Commission Meeting

City Plan Commission Meeting

The City Plan Commission (CPC) is the City’s official planning body established under State statute and is responsible for master planning activities. The CPC advises the Common Council on a variety of land development issues including zoning map changes, revisions in the zoning ordinance, subdivision approvals, business improvement districts, street and alley vacations, public land disposition and acquisition, new streets and the approval of development plans in certain overlay districts. City Plan Commission (CPC) meetings are held in the First Floor Boardroom at the Department of City Development, 809 North Broadway, unless otherwise noted. Agenda

Lecture: Just Because We Can Doesn’t Mean We Should: Planning and the Eminent Domain Authority

Just Because We Can Doesn’t Mean We Should: Planning and the Eminent Domain Authority

Historically, courts have given considerable discretion over the question of the public good to municipal entities. Municipalities seek to navigate the day-to-day realities of managing fiscal, social, and community and economic development issues within their boundaries. The courts have generally been slow to second-guess municipal governmental decision-makers as to whether the public interest is being served. Reluctance to second guess local governmental action is reflected in the jurisprudence that has emerged around the law of eminent domain. Yet, as articulated in her comments as a part of her dissent in the Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005), Justice O’Connor argued that the exercise of municipal authority in the form of eminent domain has had its greatest negative impacts on low-income neighborhoods. Generally, communities have not been protected from the less than favorable impacts of eminent domain. To be sure, there are a set of experiences within communities that memorialize the paradox of governmental action in the form of eminent domain, presumably exercised for purposes of advancing the public good. Government has been required to do very little in terms of identifying the specific metrics that drive their taking decisions, nor has formal cost-benefits calculations played a role in the decision-making process. Typically, there is no objective calculation or precision devoted to assessing whether the taking will create the sustainable effect or public benefits speculated to occur. Fundamentally, the taking of private land by government is about the redistribution of resources within the context of serving a presumed public good that Dr. Harris argues should generate a greater level of equity and social justice, not less. This seminar will provide an understanding of the constitutional and historical opportunities, constraints and trends that contour local governmental authority. It will also offer an understanding of the intersection between community development and eminent domain practice from a community benefits vantage point. Finally, it will explore ideas and strategies related to planning practice that will heighten levels of equity in the context of the exercise of eminent domain authority for purposes of community development. Dr. Kirk Harris is a faculty member in the Department of Urban Planning at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. Dr. Harris has been working on issues related to community development for over 15 years. He is is considered a national expert on community building and is a national keynote speaker on issues related to fatherhood, family support and community development. As a lawyer and advocate, Dr. Harris has worked on a variety of public policy and community issues, included among them are responsible fatherhood, family support practice, community asset-building, parent-engagement and leadership and anti-poverty strategies. During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, Dr. Harris served on then Senator Obama’s Metropolitan and Urban Policy Committee, charged with managing the campaign’s public policy platform. Presently, Dr. Harris works very closely with White House staff and the leadership within federal agencies on issues related to families and communities. More detailed information about the presentation will be available on the SARUP website […]

Blue Sky Sustainability Lunch

Blue Sky Sustainability Lunch

Inspired by the success of Green Drinks Milwaukee. The idea is to get folks together to talk about sustainability, to network and build momentum for the sea change in sustainable consciousness that is on its way! Buy your own lunch and/or beverages, and get in there and meet people! No RSVP necessary and feel free to pass this around. Every fourth Tuesday at NOON held at the Milwaukee Public Market, 400 N. Water Street. Meet in the 2nd floor common area. For more information, contact Mike Mangan at

Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee Meeting

Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee Meeting

The Zoning, Neighborhoods and Development Committee reviews issues relating to city development, zoning, historic preservation, incremental tax financing, building codes and housing projects. The Zoning, Neighborhoods and Development Committee meetings start at 9:00 a.m. and are held in the Room 301-B, City Hall, unless otherwise noted. Agenda

Community & Economic Development Committee Meeting

Community & Economic Development Committee Meeting

The Community and Economic Development Committee hears matters relating to community development, block grants, job development, business improvement districts, city public relations, industrial land banks and revenue bonds, emerging business enterprises, recreation, cultural arts and the library system. The Community and Economic Development Committee meetings start at 9:00 a.m. and are held in the Room 301-B, City Hall, unless otherwise noted. Agenda

3rd District Town Hall

3rd District Town Hall

All residents and stakeholders of the 3rd District are invited to attend a town hall meeting with Alderman Kovac. Location: Riverside High School auditorium

3rd District Town Hall

3rd District Town Hall

All residents and stakeholders of the 3rd District are invited to attend a town hall meeting with Alderman Kovac. Location: Falcon Bowl on Clarke & Fratney