Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism

Pandemic Adds Barriers for College Voters

Pandemic Adds Barriers for College Voters

Wisconsin one of the hardest places to vote for college students living away from home.

State Wants Pandemic Aid for Residents on Disability Insurance

State Wants Pandemic Aid for Residents on Disability Insurance

State officials are seeking permission from the federal government.

Voter Purge Push Threatens 129,000 Names

Voter Purge Push Threatens 129,000 Names

State Supreme Court will consider approach critics decry as voter suppression.

Eviction Ban Lifted, Here’s What Renters Should Know

Eviction Ban Lifted, Here’s What Renters Should Know

Moratorium on evictions was suspended Tuesday, many landlords rushed to start evictions.

Pandemic Exposes Caregiver Shortage

Pandemic Exposes Caregiver Shortage

Care for elderly and disabled was already hard to find, the pandemic made it worse.

Fear of COVID-19 in State’s Crowded Prisons

Fear of COVID-19 in State’s Crowded Prisons

Despite reductions in overall population, overcrowded prisons remain a threat to inmate safety during the pandemic.

Wisconsin Grapples With Holding Elections During Pandemic
Ventilators ‘Almost a Death Sentence’?

Ventilators ‘Almost a Death Sentence’?

Study shows they don’t work for many COVID-19 patients, state's hospitals limiting their use.

Conservative Groups Twist Coronavirus Facts

Conservative Groups Twist Coronavirus Facts

Think tank MacIver Institute and grassroots group #ReopenWisconsin misuse the data on COVID-19 for political ends.

Hospitals Sue Patients During Pandemic

Hospitals Sue Patients During Pandemic

Wisconsin hospitals continued to sue patients after Gov. Tony Evers declared a Public Health Emergency.

Evers Acts to Boost Healthcare Workforce

Evers Acts to Boost Healthcare Workforce

Relaxes rules to allow state’s 2,750-plus physician assistants to help provide pandemic care.

Pandemic Related Fraud Popping Up

Pandemic Related Fraud Popping Up

Bogus vaccines and cure all's. Claims of virus killing toothpaste.