
Simply Health: Pre-diabetes can be a gift
Simply Health

Pre-diabetes can be a gift

It's a relief to know that a diagnosis of pre-diabetes does not mean you will get diabetes.

Baloney on Wry: Gratitude is a year-round affair
Baloney on Wry

Gratitude is a year-round affair

"I know that this moment … and this … are all we are assured of. For each, I am deeply and sincerely thankful."

Pantry Raid: Who knew rice was this good?
Pantry Raid

Who knew rice was this good?

Rice is said to calm the nervous system and strengthen internal organs.

The stories of Milwaukee’s book co-ops

The stories of Milwaukee’s book co-ops

Local book co-ops find success in the communities that help to sustain them.

Outpost Exchange: Field is ripe for young farmers
Outpost Exchange

Field is ripe for young farmers

We are growing ever more concerned about our food, where it comes from and how it's made.

Pantry raid: So you wanna’ be a locavore?
Pantry raid

So you wanna’ be a locavore?

If you think we like to cook, you should see us dance; it’s not just salt and pepper shakin’ in our kitchens! Our mad dance skills are perfectly complemented by all things local, too. Check out Local Live on WMSE every Tuesday night from 8-9 on the Midnight Radio show.

Simply Health: Eating for two
Simply Health

Eating for two

Eating for two? It’s a better idea to eat twice as well, not twice as much.

Baloney on Wry: On becoming your mother
Baloney on Wry

On becoming your mother

“ . . . like, I am so not like my mom. Every single time I leave the house she’s like, ‘Be careful, sweetie, drive safe.’ I will never, ever say the same thing like that to my kids. It makes me so crazy!”

From the editor: United by passion
From the editor

United by passion

What makes community? A united passion, most of all.

Tidbits: News you need to know

News you need to know

A film crew followed the family as they went without basic needs such as electricity (...) and even toilet paper.

The budget gourmet: Hard to beet
The budget gourmet

Hard to beet

My husband swore he wouldn’t eat beets before I prepared them and my brother-in-law is still conflicted about them since an incident with his childhood babysitter. But I love beets and therefore grow lots of them, both red and golden, in my garden each year.

What’s Happening : August 17-23
What’s Happening

August 17-23

This week: gear up for the 2009 Gay Softball World Series with an art opening at the MKGAC, rock out WMSE's Radio Summer Camp and hit the lakefront for the Milwaukee Wine Festival and Mexican Fiesta.