The State of Politics

The State of Politics: Why Capitol Reporters Change Careers
The State of Politics

Why Capitol Reporters Change Careers

Riley Vetterkind, now the Elections Commission spokesperson, latest to make the move.

The State Of Politics: Juvenile Prison Costs Are Skyrocketing
The State Of Politics

Juvenile Prison Costs Are Skyrocketing

Up 250% to $812,252 per juvenile last year at Copper Lake, up 41% at Lincoln Hills.

The State of Politics: Why The GOP Push To Oust Wolfe
The State of Politics

Why The GOP Push To Oust Wolfe

If elections commission administrator resigned and board deadlocks on who should replace her, Vos and Republicans get to choose new leader.

The State of Politics: Senate Targets Elections Commission
The State of Politics

Senate Targets Elections Commission

Three separate elections investigations pushing for changes. What's the likely impact?

The State of Politics: Should U.S. Supreme Court Rule On Evers News Conferences?
The State of Politics

Should U.S. Supreme Court Rule On Evers News Conferences?

WILL and Walker say Evers must invite conservative group to media events. Are they right?

The State of Politics: The Legacy of Concealed Carry in Wisconsin
The State of Politics

The Legacy of Concealed Carry in Wisconsin

10 years after the first concealed carry permit was issued, one in eight adults over 21 now have one.

The State of Politics: Walker’s Shadow Looms Over the Capitol
The State of Politics

Walker’s Shadow Looms Over the Capitol

Walker's legacy is found in bitter partisanship, limits on the governor's power and appointee's that won't leave office.

The State of Politics: Big Changes Needed In Political Districts
The State of Politics

Big Changes Needed In Political Districts

Population changes in Madison, metro Milwaukee require redrawn legislative and congressional seats.

The State of Politics: Democrats Lose Experience In Legislature
The State of Politics

Democrats Lose Experience In Legislature

10 years of Republican control helps creates Legislature with less experienced Democrats.

The State of Politics: Evers Builds Image for Giving Pardons
The State of Politics

Evers Builds Image for Giving Pardons

Giving more per year than any recent predecessors. But far behind 'Julius the Just.'

The State of Politics: 6 Ways to Measure State of Workers
The State of Politics

6 Ways to Measure State of Workers

The data shows some surprising improvements in Wisconsin employment picture.

The State of Politics: Barrett, Kind Had 59 Years Experience
The State of Politics

Barrett, Kind Had 59 Years Experience

Exit of mayor and congressman makes room for new generation of leaders.