Wisconsin Public Radio

Interior Department Renaming Sites With Offensive Native American Names

Interior Department Renaming Sites With Offensive Native American Names

28 lakes, creeks, rivers and other geographical features in Wisconsin being renamed.

State Child Care Coalition Seeks Support

State Child Care Coalition Seeks Support

Pushing for more state support through scholarships, stipends, tax credits, other measures.

UW System To Survey Students on Free Speech

UW System To Survey Students on Free Speech

Amid national debate on campus free speech, will gather data that might guide policy changes.

Election Clerks ‘Are People That You Know’

Election Clerks ‘Are People That You Know’

Municipal and county associations launch ads to restore faith in elections process.

Report Details Opioid Addiction Solutions

Report Details Opioid Addiction Solutions

After listening sessions, WI Department of Health Services recommends expanded treatment and attention to root causes.

UW-Madison Hires Former Foxconn Executive

UW-Madison Hires Former Foxconn Executive

Alan Yeung hired despite Foxconn’s failures, including not paying promised $100 million gift to UW.

Bald Eagles Now Reside In Milwaukee

Bald Eagles Now Reside In Milwaukee

Pair of eagles have nest in county park. Bald eagles now found in all 72 counties in state.

WI School Board Races On National Radar

WI School Board Races On National Radar

Donations flowing in. State ranks third in school board conflicts over race, COVID-19 response, or sex and gender in schools.

State’s Hot Job Market Seeks College Grads

State’s Hot Job Market Seeks College Grads

MATC students being courted before they graduate.

Highly Contagious Bird Flu Detected in County

Highly Contagious Bird Flu Detected in County

First discovered in Jefferson County, has spread to variety of birds in Milwaukee and other counties.

MKE County: New Facility for Emergency Mental Health
MKE County

New Facility for Emergency Mental Health

Sen. Baldwin helped secure $2.5 million for joint venture by county and area health systems.

Experts Say Wisconsin Unprepared for Electric Vehicles

Experts Say Wisconsin Unprepared for Electric Vehicles

Federal funds available for charging infrastructure, but first state needs utility law reform.