Wisconsin Public Radio

State Superintendent Pushes Gun Control

State Superintendent Pushes Gun Control

Restricting access to guns is key to protecting children’s lives, Jill Underly says.

Michels Spends Nearly $8 Million on Campaign for Governor

Michels Spends Nearly $8 Million on Campaign for Governor

Wealthy Republican businessman outspending competitors, blanketing state with ads.

Bernie Sanders Endorses Barnes for US Senate

Bernie Sanders Endorses Barnes for US Senate

Sanders latest of many big-name Democrats backing Mandela Barnes in August primary.

Helping Milwaukee Students Imagine Successful Futures

Helping Milwaukee Students Imagine Successful Futures

Special summer program exposes mostly low-income students to new opportunities.

Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Docs Traveling to Illinois to Provide Care

Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Docs Traveling to Illinois to Provide Care

Earlier this year, physicians sought licenses in Illinois in case Roe was overturned.

Who Can Drop Absentee Ballot in Mailbox?

Who Can Drop Absentee Ballot in Mailbox?

Officials in state disagree. Advocates for disabled voters say help with mailing is legal.

GOP Leaders Seek to Prevent Fixing Absentee Ballots

GOP Leaders Seek to Prevent Fixing Absentee Ballots

Legislative committee can kill rule, could invalidate tens of thousands of votes in next election.

Officials Plan Changes For Derogatory Names of 28 Sites

Officials Plan Changes For Derogatory Names of 28 Sites

Task Force will pick new names for geographic features and public lands.

Tim Michels ‘Not Against Contraception’

Tim Michels ‘Not Against Contraception’

GOP Gubernatorial candidate supports Wisconsin abortion ban.

State Abortion Law Leaves Doctors Fearful of Reproductive Care

State Abortion Law Leaves Doctors Fearful of Reproductive Care

How to handle miscarriages, other medical issues unclear under 1849 law.

Digital Records At Issue In Suit Against Natural Resources Board Member

Digital Records At Issue In Suit Against Natural Resources Board Member

Fred Prehn, who refused to step down from board, will provide cell phone records under court order.

Elections Commission Deadlocks on Advising Clerks

Elections Commission Deadlocks on Advising Clerks

In wake of high court decision invalidating absentee drop boxes, tie votes by Democrats and Republicans.