Wisconsin Examiner

Can Bipartisan Effort Save State Arts Funding?

Can Bipartisan Effort Save State Arts Funding?

Wisconsin ranks 50th in arts support. Group of 'heavy hitters' hopes to change that.

Tenants Union Calls for More Legal Aid

Tenants Union Calls for More Legal Aid

City-county program has increased legal representation, but 84% of those facing eviction still have no lawyer.

Police Union Blasts Video Releases

Police Union Blasts Video Releases

Assails 'reckless' FPC rule requiring video of any critical incident released to victim’s family in 48 hours, to public in 15 days.

Wisconsin Unemployment Reaches Record Low

Wisconsin Unemployment Reaches Record Low

State also sets record for number of jobs.

Judge Allows Those Suing Fake Electors To Remain On Case

Judge Allows Those Suing Fake Electors To Remain On Case

Dane County judge rules there is no conflict of interest, despite Trump attorney's objection.

Assembly Bills Block Government From Curbing Fossil Fuel Use

Assembly Bills Block Government From Curbing Fossil Fuel Use

Republican party line vote bans actions by state agencies or local governments.

Op Ed: This Is First Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court In Living Memory
Op Ed

This Is First Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court In Living Memory

Media says court was liberal 15 years ago. Dead wrong. This is a radical change.

Milwaukee Wants 4,500 Police For RNC

Milwaukee Wants 4,500 Police For RNC

City would house additional officers from across the state and country.

Researchers Find BadgerCare Changes Would Worsen Care, Violate Federal Law

Researchers Find BadgerCare Changes Would Worsen Care, Violate Federal Law

Advocates for proposal say it would combat fraud.

New Bills Would Make It Easier to Lose “Welfare Benefits”

New Bills Would Make It Easier to Lose “Welfare Benefits”

After statewide referendum, Legislature debating eight bills that would expedite removal of Medicaid and unemployment benefits.

Op Ed: The Wisconsin Conservation Congress Is Broken
Op Ed

The Wisconsin Conservation Congress Is Broken

Three-fourths of state citizens, the non-hunters, getting stonewalled by group.

Dan Knodl Declares Victory in 8th District Senate Race

Dan Knodl Declares Victory in 8th District Senate Race

Democrat Jodi Habush Sinykin hasn't conceded. Republican supermajority at stake.