
Blues, sex, talent, intensity at the Rep’s Stackner Cabaret

Blues, sex, talent, intensity at the Rep’s Stackner Cabaret

The Rep's "Blues in the Night" honors the Blues and the bluesy, from Bessie Smith to Johnny Mercer and beyond.

PODCAST: First Stage opens “Big”

First Stage opens “Big”

Mark Metcalf talks with Jeff Frank, artistic director at First Stage Children's Theater, before "Big: The Musical" opens the season this weekend.

“Titanic” flows beautifully, but a little broad

“Titanic” flows beautifully, but a little broad

The touring show at the Milwaukee Theatre lacks deep emotion or a compelling score, despite some talented performances.

Fiasco Theatre marvelously transforms Shakespeare’s “Cymbeline”

Fiasco Theatre marvelously transforms Shakespeare’s “Cymbeline”

The NYC group, guests of Alverno Presents and Marquette University, need only six talented actors and a trunk to create an unforgettable performance.

Mamet’s “November”: Political, but not polemical
Mamet’s “November”

Political, but not polemical

Windfall Theatre stages David Mamet's 2007 comedy; it's more farce than satire.

“The Alchemist Eye” a little foggy

“The Alchemist Eye” a little foggy

Aaron Kopec's fifth annual Halloween show is long on exposition and short on thrills.

“Titanic: the Musical” steams to the Milwaukee Theatre

the Musical” steams to the Milwaukee Theatre

Wisconsinite Geoff Karnish provides a preview to "Titanic," an emotionally charged Broadway musical.

Windfall elects to open season with Mamet’s “November”

Windfall elects to open season with Mamet’s “November”

Director Maureen Kilmurry and lead actor Robert W.C. Kennedy discuss the extra-timely presidential satire.

Halloween Horror from “The Alchemist Eye”

Halloween Horror from “The Alchemist Eye”

Aaron Kopec brings scares to the Alchemist Theatre's cozy space.

On Stage 10/9: No time to lounge around. Go out.
On Stage 10/9

No time to lounge around. Go out.

Rembrandt at MAM, Alchemist Halloween, "Titanic" anniversary, photos at Via/Transfer, lots of Last Chances.

In Tandem’s “Nightmare Room”: Well-acted, but no thrills
In Tandem’s “Nightmare Room”

Well-acted, but no thrills

A formulaic progression and tension-killing flashbacks limit the ability of the theater's 15th anniversary opener to enthrall.

Strini: Three Decades on the scene

Three Decades on the scene

TCD's Tom Strini has covered Milwaukee's arts for 30 years, as of Oct. 4, 2012.