
On Stage with TCD: highlights from 9/3 to 9/8
On Stage with TCD

highlights from 9/3 to 9/8

As companies ready for season premieres, a peek at a few items happening this week.

Review: APT saves biggest emotional wallop for last

APT saves biggest emotional wallop for last

A strong cast and perfect setting help APT stage a resonant "Long Day's Journey into Night"

As Marcus Center’s Phantom ends its run, charities and patrons benefit

As Marcus Center’s Phantom ends its run, charities and patrons benefit

The last six performances from the Broadway national tour of Phantom of the Opera included discounted ticket deals with a donation to chosen local charities.

Skylight update

Skylight update

The show will go on at the Skylight.

On Stage with TCD: 8/25 to 9/2
On Stage with TCD

8/25 to 9/2

This week: the Milwauke Ballet lifts the veil, the Skylight throws open its doors, the hills are alive and it's still mighty nice for an outdoor show.

Photo Gallery: Steampunk Night at Milwaukee Chamber Theatre
Photo Gallery

Steampunk Night at Milwaukee Chamber Theatre

MCT hosted a steampunk night on Thursday, in honor of the style and design of Mark Brown's "Around the World in 80 Days."

Dale Gutzman Returns to the Skylight

Dale Gutzman Returns to the Skylight

Gutzman, banished from the Skylight in the 1980s, returns in the summer where anything can happen.

On Stage with TCD: 8/18 – 8/24
On Stage with TCD

8/18 – 8/24

Great outdoor concerts and exclusive engagements this week: the Glenn Miller Orchestra, bluegrass at Chill on the Hill, Concord Chamber Orchestra at Boerner Botanical Gardens, Lou Fanucchi and more.

Review: “Around the World…” at Chamber Theatre

“Around the World…” at Chamber Theatre

The MCT launches a unique 35th season of plays celebrating the artist with the Milwaukee premiere Jules Verne's seminal steampunk tale. Five cast members play 39 roles with aplomb under interesting circumstances.

There will be tiptoeing at some point in the play

There will be tiptoeing at some point in the play

It's Oscar Wilde's Bliss family, busy ignoring their dinner guests. APT's troupe brings to life a "comedy of manners" in the latest Up The Hill outdoor staging. As in most Wilde plays, the guests sneak out.

On Stage with TCD: Highlights from 8/12 to 8/18
On Stage with TCD

Highlights from 8/12 to 8/18

Storms turn Gaelic in Tosa before Irish Fest this weekend. Alchemist gets Broadminded, DanceCircus hits the Boys and Girls circuit, and a little Steampunk hits the Cabot.

Review: Phantom of the Opera is a feast for eyes, ears

Phantom of the Opera is a feast for eyes, ears

It's a show that will please most 'Phans' and most newcomers, while a few may not get it. A look at the national tour now in Milwaukee for the month, crashing (well ... sliding) chandelier and all.