The State of Politics

The State of Politics: Evers Wants Local Climate Change Plans
The State of Politics

Evers Wants Local Climate Change Plans

Governor's budget would require every local government in state to create a plan.

The State of Politics: Where Are Act 10 Players Today?
The State of Politics

Where Are Act 10 Players Today?

Governor and three-fourths of legislators engaged in 2011 battle over law crushing public unions have moved on.

The State of Politics: The Debate Over Local Sales Taxes
The State of Politics

The Debate Over Local Sales Taxes

Evers' budget allows local sales tax increases. Will Republican legislators agree?

The State of Politics: Evers Pushes New Programs, Spending
The State of Politics

Evers Pushes New Programs, Spending

Republicans warned him not to include budget items they oppose. He will anyway.

The State of Politics: Fixing Highways, Funding Still a Puzzle
The State of Politics

Fixing Highways, Funding Still a Puzzle

Evers pushed to fix "Scottholes," and Legislature resisted. Now governor is backing off.

The State of Politics: How Thompson Is Handling Legislators
The State of Politics

How Thompson Is Handling Legislators

Former governor warned by Legislature not to include tuition hike in UW System budget.

The State of Politics: Pandemic Worsens State’s Broadband Gap
The State of Politics

Pandemic Worsens State’s Broadband Gap

Rural areas and urban poor left out. Evers calls 2021 the "Year of Broadband Access."

The State of Politics: LeMahieu Struggles in Vos’s Shadow
The State of Politics

LeMahieu Struggles in Vos’s Shadow

New Senate majority leader a surprise choice who's trying to resist the dictates of Robin Vos.

The State of Politics: Wisconsin’s 4th Branch of Government
The State of Politics

Wisconsin’s 4th Branch of Government

COVID-19 may have more influence on governing than the executive, legislative and judicial branches.

The State of Politics: Spending on Medicaid, Prisons Skyrockets
The State of Politics

Spending on Medicaid, Prisons Skyrockets

Up much faster than inflation in last 20 years, crowding out other spending.

The State of Politics: Both Parties Back Election Law Changes
The State of Politics

Both Parties Back Election Law Changes

Legislators actually agree on at least two reforms.

The State of Politics: Pandemic Ends Holiday Traditions
The State of Politics

Pandemic Ends Holiday Traditions

It's a special time in Wisconsin’s grand Capitol. But not this year.