Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: The Truth About State Taxes
Murphy’s Law

The Truth About State Taxes

They were never lower than under Jim Doyle, as new data shows.

Murphy’s Law: Is Milwaukee the Next Detroit?
Murphy’s Law

Is Milwaukee the Next Detroit?

Analyzing this city’s key strengths and weaknesses.

Murphy’s Law: The $1 Million Art Project
Murphy’s Law

The $1 Million Art Project

Steve Marcus’ plan to bring world class sculpture to Milwaukee is expensive. Is it a good idea?

Murphy’s Law: Concealed Carry Craziness
Murphy’s Law

Concealed Carry Craziness

Road rage and guns? Does concealed carry really make us safer?

Murphy’s Law: The Myth of the Welders Shortage
Murphy’s Law

The Myth of the Welders Shortage

Journal Sentinel claims it’s because MATC does a poor job of training workers. Is that true?

Murphy’s Law: Why We Lag in Kids’ Dental Care
Murphy’s Law

Why We Lag in Kids’ Dental Care

Study says WI is 2nd-worst state in America. It’s not true, but there are ways we could improve.

Murphy’s Law: The Curious Case of Kimberly Walker
Murphy’s Law

The Curious Case of Kimberly Walker

The board is angry at Abele so they fired Walker. Go figure.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee County Great Place to Lose Your Job
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee County Great Place to Lose Your Job

Both the county exec and county board have made the courthouse a perilous place for appointed staff.

Murphy’s Law: Jim Sensenbrenner, Civil Libertarian?
Murphy’s Law

Jim Sensenbrenner, Civil Libertarian?

Will Wisconsin’s congressman protect us from Obama’s NSA surveillance?

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Life of John Menard
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Life of John Menard

A lurid legal suit against him is the latest chapter in the retail billionaire’s bizarre life.

Murphy’s Law: The Decline of Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

The Decline of Sheriff Clarke

The weirder and crankier he gets, the more unlikely his reelection.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Opposes Obamacare
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Opposes Obamacare

His opposition to more federal dollars for Medicaid will hurt Wisconsin, but help his campaign for president.