Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Will Paul Ryan Be Romney Redux?
Murphy’s Law

Will Paul Ryan Be Romney Redux?

He’s a favorite of Republicans, but Democrats may be secretly cheering for him as well.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin, Land of the Plutocrats
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin, Land of the Plutocrats

Forbes 400 list offers more evidence of wealth gap in Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: Capitol Sex Scandal Confirmed
Murphy’s Law

Capitol Sex Scandal Confirmed

Judge confirms affair between state DHS secretary and his legal counsel, and jealously abusive husband gets off with a misdemeanor.

Murphy’s Law: The Debtor Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Debtor Governor

Figures from non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau figures show Walker’s debt level the worst since 1970.

Murphy’s Law: Casino Wars
Murphy’s Law

Casino Wars

The Potawatomi have spent millions to lobby against a Kenosha casino. Is Gov. Walker their latest ally?

Murphy’s Law: How MPS Is Improving Instruction
Murphy’s Law

How MPS Is Improving Instruction

Common Core Standards are changing schools here and statewide, but Tea Party Republicans object.

Murphy’s Law: WI Could Still Get Higher Speed Rail
Murphy’s Law

WI Could Still Get Higher Speed Rail

Minnesota is hatching a Twin Cities-to-Milwaukee-to-Chicago plan, putting Gov. Walker on the spot.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Dog & Pony Show
Murphy’s Law

Republican Dog & Pony Show

Legislators Vos and Darling tour city but offer no solutions. So why did they come?

Murphy’s Law: Who’s Building Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Who’s Building Milwaukee?

Not minority workers, it seems. New study shows non-whites not very welcome in construction trades.

Murphy’s Law: Can Wisconsin Avenue Be Saved?
Murphy’s Law

Can Wisconsin Avenue Be Saved?

A city task force hopes to revive the street but the obstacles are many.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Medical Costs Finally Declining?
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Medical Costs Finally Declining?

Long known for globally high costs, Milwaukee show signs of a relative decline in prices.

Murphy’s Law: Global Warming Cover-Up
Murphy’s Law

Global Warming Cover-Up

Journal Sentinel’s coverage of Lake Michigan’s decline is bizarrely slanted. Why?