Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Will Wisconsin Decide the 2020 Election?
Murphy’s Law

Will Wisconsin Decide the 2020 Election?

All signs suggest this state could determine whether Trump wins reelection.

Murphy’s Law: The New Paul Ryan
Murphy’s Law

The New Paul Ryan

That’s how admirers view Rep. Mike Gallagher. Can Democrat Amanda Stuck beat him?

Murphy’s Law: A New State “Progressive” Publication
Murphy’s Law

A New State “Progressive” Publication

Wisconsin Examiner adds to Capitol press corps, with a "people's" perspective on policies.

Murphy’s Law: The Truth About Busing
Murphy’s Law

The Truth About Busing

Is Harris or Biden right? The impact of busing in Milwaukee and other cities.

Murphy’s Law: Why the Minimum Wage Won’t Rise
Murphy’s Law

Why the Minimum Wage Won’t Rise

It's all about the stories we’re told and who is getting paid to tell them.

Murphy’s Law: State’s Loss on Federal ACA is $1.3 Billion
Murphy’s Law

State’s Loss on Federal ACA is $1.3 Billion

State loses $1.3 billion in federal funds for medical care under Republican two-year budget.

Murphy’s Law: Why GOP Opposes Federal Medicaid Funds
Murphy’s Law

Why GOP Opposes Federal Medicaid Funds

It’s cost state taxpayers $1.1 billion. Why won’t Republicans accept the money?

Murphy’s Law: City Attorney Grant Langley Retiring?
Murphy’s Law

City Attorney Grant Langley Retiring?

Vince Bobot announces for job, leading to speculation Langley may retire after 36 years.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Hate the Gas Tax
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Hate the Gas Tax

Once they promoted this user fee, now they’d rather roads fall apart. Why?

Murphy’s Law: The Incredible Shrinking Foxconn Plant
Murphy’s Law

The Incredible Shrinking Foxconn Plant

New specs show its vastly smaller than the original plan. And not the LCD plant promised.

Murphy’s Law: The New Conservative Heavyweight
Murphy’s Law

The New Conservative Heavyweight

Wisconsin Institute of Law & Liberty is on the rise, pushing a right-wing agenda.

Murphy’s Law: State Ranks 2nd for Black Homicide Victims
Murphy’s Law

State Ranks 2nd for Black Homicide Victims

Study finds Wisconsin has nearly double the national rate and 91% killed with guns.