K-12 Education

K-12 Education: MPS Seeks To Revise School Calendar
K-12 Education

MPS Seeks To Revise School Calendar

Seeking earlier start to 2024-25 school year for elementary students, creating a uniform calendar for system.

K-12 Education: MPS Foundation a Vital Resource
K-12 Education

MPS Foundation a Vital Resource

Nonprofit helps funds field trips, scholarships and other educational enrichment activities.

K-12 Education: MPS Faces Future Financial Crisis
K-12 Education

MPS Faces Future Financial Crisis

System will see deficits explode beginning in 2026-27 school year.

K-12 Education: MPS Budget Underfunds Teaching Positions
K-12 Education

MPS Budget Underfunds Teaching Positions

Shortfall will hit $74 million, 14.4% of needed funding in 2024, report finds.

K-12 Education: State Data on Student Transfers Missing
K-12 Education

State Data on Student Transfers Missing

MPS suspects private schools push students out after getting them counted for state aid.

K-12 Education: Open Enrollment Plummeting at MPS
K-12 Education

Open Enrollment Plummeting at MPS

Down 44% in past decade, while numbers continue to grow for the state.

K-12 Education: MPS Embroiled in a Real Food Fight
K-12 Education

MPS Embroiled in a Real Food Fight

Student group protests quality of school lunches. School board considers changes.

K-12 Education: Teachers Pay May Rise By 8%
K-12 Education

Teachers Pay May Rise By 8%

Can MPS afford this? Will state funding be enough to prevent teacher shortages?

K-12 Education: Milwaukee Charter School Enrollment Declines
K-12 Education

Milwaukee Charter School Enrollment Declines

After years of growth down 3% this year. Why? New report may shed some light.

K-12 Education: MPS Faces Teacher, Staff Shortage
K-12 Education

MPS Faces Teacher, Staff Shortage

System may be short as many as 600 staff.

K-12 Education: Why School Funding Referendums Fail
K-12 Education

Why School Funding Referendums Fail

Why did so many in the state pass while the West Allis referendum failed?

School Board Races Getting More Partisan

School Board Races Getting More Partisan

Issues getting nationalized. Waukesha leads the way in Wisconsin.