City Hall

City Hall: What Should Or Shouldn’t Be in Milwaukee Mask Mandate?
City Hall

What Should Or Shouldn’t Be in Milwaukee Mask Mandate?

Council debates ordinance before its written.

City Hall: Election Director Nominee Is Back In
City Hall

Election Director Nominee Is Back In

Claire Woodall-Vogg would like to run Milwaukee Election Commission after all.

City Hall: Council Grilling, But Advancing Mayoral Appointees
City Hall

Council Grilling, But Advancing Mayoral Appointees

Most being confirmed unanimously after long meetings.

City Hall: Feds Won’t Cover $1.6 Million Hazard Pay
City Hall

Feds Won’t Cover $1.6 Million Hazard Pay

Changing guidance leaves Milwaukee holding the bag for COVID-19-related bonus.

City Hall: Election Director Appointee Pulls Out
City Hall

Election Director Appointee Pulls Out

Says she was working 18-hour days in worst year of her life and told to be less honest to be confirmed.

City Hall: Fire & Police Commission Director Wins Committee Support For Reappointment
City Hall

Fire & Police Commission Director Wins Committee Support For Reappointment

Griselda Aldrete gets committee support, but needs to pick up five votes from the full council to keep her job.

City Hall: Milwaukee to Hike Parking Meter Rates
City Hall

Milwaukee to Hike Parking Meter Rates

City has yet to implement 2018 market-based plan to vary rates based on demand.

City Hall: Council Wants No Pay for Suspended Officers
City Hall

Council Wants No Pay for Suspended Officers

Seeks change in state law so city can stop paying suspended cops charged with felonies.

City Hall: Council Calls For ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Policy
City Hall

Council Calls For ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Policy

Measure would require interventions when anyone in custody says they're having trouble breathing.

City Hall: Council Okays Planning for 10% Police Cut
City Hall

Council Okays Planning for 10% Police Cut

Requires city budget office to model what cut would look like, in time for fall budget debate.

City Hall: Common Council Threatens City Shakeup
City Hall

Common Council Threatens City Shakeup

Votes to hold every Barrett cabinet appointment, wants systemic change in all city operations.

City Hall: Grab Your Quarters, Parking Meter Regulations Restored
City Hall

Grab Your Quarters, Parking Meter Regulations Restored

Other parking regulations remain suspended.