City Hall

City Hall: Milwaukee Could Get $5 Million Citizen-Led Transformation Fund
City Hall

Milwaukee Could Get $5 Million Citizen-Led Transformation Fund

But council members have plenty of questions about Mayor Cavalier Johnson's proposal.

Milwaukee Still Paying $1 Million Per Year For Brewers Stadium

Milwaukee Still Paying $1 Million Per Year For Brewers Stadium

New request for $2.5 million annually comes as city still paying prior costs

Mayor Unveils 2024 Budget With New Sales Tax

Mayor Unveils 2024 Budget With New Sales Tax

But a massive deficit still looms for Milwaukee.

City Hall: Milwaukee Will Net $300,000 By Selling ‘Virtual Asset’
City Hall

Milwaukee Will Net $300,000 By Selling ‘Virtual Asset’

Specifically its unused IP addresses. Which are what exactly?

City Hall: Milwaukee Drastically Changing Street Lighting Plan
City Hall

Milwaukee Drastically Changing Street Lighting Plan

Switch to LED lights upgrades because contractor shortage leaves city unable to rush to replace failing circuits.

City Hall: Zepnick Enters Race To Replace Borkowski
City Hall

Zepnick Enters Race To Replace Borkowski

Three candidates now seeking to replace outgoing alderman.

City Hall: Horwitz, World-Patterson Elected To Lead Fire & Police Commission
City Hall

Horwitz, World-Patterson Elected To Lead Fire & Police Commission

Past chairs resigned in protest of new state law stripping authority.

Burgelis Running for Borkowski’s Common Council Seat

Burgelis Running for Borkowski’s Common Council Seat

Freshman supervisor will not seek re-election to the Milwaukee County Board.

City Hall: Ald. Mark Borkowski Retiring
City Hall

Ald. Mark Borkowski Retiring

Veteran politician won't run for reelection in 2024.

Food Trucks Banned On Portion of W. Silver Spring Drive

Food Trucks Banned On Portion of W. Silver Spring Drive

Alderman says grills, pop-up shoe sales have occurred on busy street.

City Hall: City Attorney Pumps Brakes On Council’s Lobbying Changes
City Hall

City Attorney Pumps Brakes On Council’s Lobbying Changes

Decision is on hold until at least after the August recess.

How Committed Is City To Tearing Down 794?

How Committed Is City To Tearing Down 794?

Council members question 'weasel language' in Milwaukee plan for Downtown.