
Gallery: Inside the MAM’s annual Bal du Lac

Inside the MAM’s annual Bal du Lac

It was an "Alice in Wonderland" theme for this year's Ball of the Lake, a gala starring some of Milwaukee's greatest art philanthropists.

Spring Gallery Night in Review

Spring Gallery Night in Review

The staff at TCD "Storify" the Night's (and Day's) events with photo galleries and notes from all over Milwaukee.

Judith Ann’s artful shopping

Judith Ann’s artful shopping

The Milwaukee Art Museum's shop is an important outlet for Wisconsin virtuoso crafters.

TCD Artist of the Month: Richard Knight
TCD Artist of the Month

Richard Knight

Judith Ann Moriarty visits Richard Knight's studio.

Open Studios: TCD’s Guide to Gallery Night
Open Studios

TCD’s Guide to Gallery Night

Spring into Gallery Night with TCD's hand-selected guide, and be sure to visit the Peck School of the Arts Kenilworth Open Studios on Gallery Day.

Here, There, Everywhere: Gallery Night & Day
Here, There, Everywhere

Gallery Night & Day

To get ready for Spring Gallery Night & Day, Judith Ann Moriarty chats with artist M.J. Vieux, showing at FeatherStone Gallery.

Nechvatal and Isaacs at Tory Folliard: Reality adjusted
Nechvatal and Isaacs at Tory Folliard

Reality adjusted

Kat Murrell considers the ways Dennis Nechvatal and Ron Issacs observe and alter the world. Folliard Gallery through April 14.

We’re in this Together: “Spiraling Jete (Up)” at Green Gallery East
We’re in this Together

“Spiraling Jete (Up)” at Green Gallery East

Judith Ann strolls with her old friend Nicholas Frank, through his new show.

Art in Bloom takes over the MAM

Art in Bloom takes over the MAM

The winged Burke Brise Soleil over Windhover Hall opened like a flower to the sun, and inside the designed flowers reflected the art. Gallery by Benjamin Wick.

True North:  Isaac Julien at MAM
True North

Isaac Julien at MAM

The renowned video/installation artist is showing a trilogy of works at the Milwaukee Art Museum this year.

Shelby Keefe’s Pfister farewell

Shelby Keefe’s Pfister farewell

Shelby Keefe's legacy painting, "Reflecting on the Day," was unveiled during a warm farewell reception at the Pfister Hotel.

Dreams and Reality: The State of Haitian Art
Dreams and Reality

The State of Haitian Art

Haitian artist and scholars of Haitian culture assembled in Milwaukee this month.