Public Safety

MPS Creates School-to-Prison Pipeline?

MPS Creates School-to-Prison Pipeline?

New report says system’s high black suspension rate among causes of problem.

Court Watch: State Has Lowest Appointed Lawyer Fee
Court Watch

State Has Lowest Appointed Lawyer Fee

50th in nation for pay to court appointed defense lawyers. Eau Claire judge calls for change.

Court Watch: Whites Just 9% of County Pot Arrests
Court Watch

Whites Just 9% of County Pot Arrests

Blacks are 25% of county residents but were 86% of all marijuana arrests in last two years.

Murphy’s Law: Why Fire-Police Chief Was Axed
Murphy’s Law

Why Fire-Police Chief Was Axed

FPC botched police chief search and nice guy Mayor Barrett decided to get tough.

Court Watch: Attorney Fees Challenge Ashland County
Court Watch

Attorney Fees Challenge Ashland County

Most lawyers won’t work for $40 per hour, some came from La Crosse, 250 miles away.

Why Student Activists Did 50 Mile March

Why Student Activists Did 50 Mile March

Issue was gun control but the inspiration was 1960s Selma to Montgomery march.

Court Watch: State Bar Backs Pay Hike for Appointed Lawyers
Court Watch

State Bar Backs Pay Hike for Appointed Lawyers

Hourly fee for court appointed lawyers so low they can lose money on cases.

Court Watch: Low Lawyer Fees a “Constitutional Crisis”?
Court Watch

Low Lawyer Fees a “Constitutional Crisis”?

Judge says defendants wait in jail because attorneys won’t work for state pay of $40 hour.

Court Watch: Will Robert Lee Stinson Get Justice?
Court Watch

Will Robert Lee Stinson Get Justice?

DNA exonerated him of murder after 24 years in jail, appeals court okays wrongful conviction suit.

Harassment Victims Lack Supportive Services

Harassment Victims Lack Supportive Services

Local survey found 68% of women workers sexually harassed. Experts say help needed.

Court Watch: MPD Traffic Citations Hit Minorities Heavily
Court Watch

MPD Traffic Citations Hit Minorities Heavily

Whites issued just 13% of traffic citations by Milwaukee Police in 2017.

New Youth-Led Court Getting Launched

New Youth-Led Court Getting Launched

Will handle teens’ municipal violations, help to reduce drivers license suspensions.