
Much ado about nothing

Much ado about nothing

Despite the hand-wringing about President Obama's speech to schoolchildren, his message mirrored what parents tell their children all the time: work hard.

Paul Ryan preaches to the choir

Paul Ryan preaches to the choir

More than 500 citizens listened, cheered and supported Rep. Paul Ryan’s take on Washington’s health care reform proposal.

RIP Senator Kennedy

RIP Senator Kennedy

The Lion of the Senate's roar is silenced.

Tony Zielinski to Run for Lieutenant Governor

Tony Zielinski to Run for Lieutenant Governor

Milwaukee Alderman Tony Zielinski will announce his candidacy for the position of Lieutenant Governor on Friday.

On Stage with TCD: 8/18 – 8/24
On Stage with TCD

8/18 – 8/24

Great outdoor concerts and exclusive engagements this week: the Glenn Miller Orchestra, bluegrass at Chill on the Hill, Concord Chamber Orchestra at Boerner Botanical Gardens, Lou Fanucchi and more.

Politico.com says Doyle won’t run in 2010

Politico.com says Doyle won’t run in 2010

Sources tell Politico.com that Dems are concerned about Jim Doyle's chances in 2010. Or maybe there's a federal appointment in his future. Brett Favre finally retired, maybe Doyle thinks his time has come too!

The Property Tax Revolt of 2010

The Property Tax Revolt of 2010

If you think the health care reform debate is devolving into an out-of-control shouting match, just wait.

Health Care Reform Full Court Press

Health Care Reform Full Court Press

Barack Obama may not be much of a bowler and he didn't bring much heat at the All Star Game. But when it comes to basketball and policy, he got game. Think health care reform is in danger? I'd think again.

Milwaukee County Pension Scandal Number 2?

Milwaukee County Pension Scandal Number 2?

Milwaukee County is going ahead with executing a plan for its pension system that involves borrowing money, investing it in the market, and hoping to earn a 2% profit. The plan has garnered support from County Executive Walker, the County Board, and the county's actuary consultant.

South Shore Listening Session Recap

South Shore Listening Session Recap

Following the veto of Milwaukee County transit sales tax by Governor Doyle, Representative Christine Sinicki, Senate Jeff Plale, and Representative Jon Richards held a listening session at the South Shore Park Pavilion.

Ubiquitous Obama Adjusts to Evolving Media Universe

Ubiquitous Obama Adjusts to Evolving Media Universe

While media mavens struggle to figure out how to earn a buck selling the news, the tsunami of changes they face also presents enormous challenges for the folks who make the news. Way back in the last century, when a president wanted to make news he simply walked into the White House Rose Garden and whatever he said was quickly fed to the nation and world via the Associated Press, The New York Times, the major broadcast and cable television networks and a handful of other major media organizations. Occasionally, if the president wanted to speak directly to the public, he would deliver an address to the nation that the networks felt obligated to broadcast live during the post-dinner hours that were quaintly referred to as primetime. But that was then. These days, fewer and fewer people are getting their news from traditional sources. The preponderance of cable news networks, internet news options and the rapid growth of news on demand offered by cellphones and PDAs make it increasingly difficult for our political leaders, not to mention all the others who are competing for our attention, to get their messages out to their desired audiences. What this means is, well, actually we really don’t know yet what this all means. But it certainly means things are changing at an incredibly rapid pace and whatever worked yesterday is out of date before the ink dries on today’s newspapers. There’s a metaphor that has probably outlived its usefulness. Clearly, President Obama has his hands full trying to control the news cycle and get his message out while dealing with a recession, fighting two wars and otherwise running the country. You have to give the guy credit; just this last week or so he managed to announce the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justice, oversee the conditions for GM to declare bankruptcy, ensure that no less than five Congressional committees are moving forward with proposals to reform the nation’s health care system, all before heading off to the Middle East to deliver a speech intended to restart America’s relationship with the world’s Islamic population. Everyone seemed to agree that candidate Obama made remarkable use of the internet during the campaign. But doesn’t that seem a long, long time ago? During his first few months in office, President Obama experimented with a few innovations such as an internet public hearing and distributing his weekly address in video on YouTube. The White House’s efforts to get its message out can sometimes take your breath away. One minute you’ve got NBC News anchor Brian Williams following Obama around for a day winning the president a delicious, fat wet kiss for two nights on the network. Then The New York Times runs a story that gushes about how effectively All The President’s Men (let’s face it, they are mostly men) are working with Congress, especially on health care reform. And you couldn’t turn on a computer the last 24 hours or so without getting invited to […]

Bronx Girl Makes Good

Bronx Girl Makes Good

It’s going to be hard to demonize the girl from the Bronx projects. She went to Princeton and Yale Law, served as a prosecutor and corporate attorney, was appointed to the federal bench by the first President Bush and was elevated to the appeals court by President Clinton. Sonia Sotomayor has the kind of back story that lends itself to a delightful “Movie of the Week” portrayal.