
Durst: Democracy is the new black

Democracy is the new black

Congratulations to the freedom-loving nations that are standing up to dictatorships and embracing democracy. But I must warn you: self-rule is no bed of roses.

A possible compromise in Madison?

A possible compromise in Madison?

Assembly and Senate Democrats offer an alternative budget repair bill that keeps increased employee contributions but protects bargaining.

UPDATED: Larson says caucus is firmly behind Mark Miller

Larson says caucus is firmly behind Mark Miller

Governor Walker refused a meeting with Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller, saying that Miller "is standing in the way of progress."

Walker slipping in polls; split opinions on budget

Walker slipping in polls; split opinions on budget

Gov. Scott Walker's proposals aren't sitting well with voters and both sides lend their opinions to his budget solutions.

Walker blames a few “radical” Dems for upcoming layoffs

Walker blames a few “radical” Dems for upcoming layoffs

Walker vows pink slips Friday. But will those come from the over 8,000 jobs slated for elimination in his upcoming budget?

BREAKING: Wisconsin 14 face contempt of senate charges

Wisconsin 14 face contempt of senate charges

Wisconsin Senate Republicans go for a nuclear option to bring back the 14 wayward Democrats. Will this work?

Durst: Suit You

Suit You

We get it - the government is broke. So how do we get our hands on some of the money that's out there? The answer: We take it. It's the American Way.

Walker’s budget makes deep cuts

Walker’s budget makes deep cuts

Scott Walker describes his budget "as a return to frugality" which will lead to economic freedom for millions of Wisconsin residents. Or will it?

Gov. Walker holds to his message, almost

Gov. Walker holds to his message, almost

During appearances on national television and the local Sunday Insight, Walker stays consistent, defending the budget bill and telling the Wisconsin 14 to come home.

Milwaukee needs a good kick in the a$$

Milwaukee needs a good kick in the a$$

Budget cuts are coming and Milwaukee is not ready. But whose fault is that? Guest commentator Dan Knauss suggests a look in the mirror.

Madison, WI: the Pearl Harbor of the class war
Madison, WI

the Pearl Harbor of the class war

Scott Walker dropped his bomb on the workers of Wisconsin. But the middle class is standing -- and ready to fight.

FEED CUT: Capitol Police clear building at 4 pm: Watch it live

Capitol Police clear building at 4 pm: Watch it live

70,000 protesters believe the Capitol is their house. Will the police force them out? Will these so-far peaceful protests turn ugly? Watch here.