
Vel Phillips Statue For State Capitol?

Vel Phillips Statue For State Capitol?

Statue of civil rights icon gets preliminary approval by subcommittee overseeing Capitol grounds.

GOP Bill Targets ‘Silicon Valley Elites’

GOP Bill Targets ‘Silicon Valley Elites’

Accusing Facebook and Twitter of silencing conservatives, they propose new rules and fines for companies.

City Hall: Morales Reaches Tentative, $626,000 Settlement With City
City Hall

Morales Reaches Tentative, $626,000 Settlement With City

Ousted chief won't return to Milwaukee Police Department.

‘Governor Wins’ on State Budget?

‘Governor Wins’ on State Budget?

Experts suggest Evers will win the political spin over budget and tax cut.

City Hall: Barrett Plan Combats Reckless Driving
City Hall

Barrett Plan Combats Reckless Driving

$28.2 million in federal grant targeted at reckless driving, violence, early childhood education and small business support.

Back in the News: Evers Is Flush With Cash
Back in the News

Evers Is Flush With Cash

More cash on hand than Walker had at this point in last campaign for governor.

Baldwin Pushes Plan For States Blocking Medicaid Expansion

Baldwin Pushes Plan For States Blocking Medicaid Expansion

Bill creates federal alternative for Wisconsin and 11 other states who rejected expansion.

Murphy’s Law: Ron Johnson Vs. Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

Ron Johnson Vs. Journal Sentinel

A battle royal between senator and newspaper. Who’s gotten the worst of it?

Court Watch: Budget Gives Judges An 11% Raise
Court Watch

Budget Gives Judges An 11% Raise

Topped by increase of $18,732 in annual salary for state Supreme Court judges.

Evers Vetoes Gun Sanctuary Bill

Evers Vetoes Gun Sanctuary Bill

And another bill postponing redistricting for local elections.

Barrett Calls For $44 Million In Workforce And Housing Spending

Barrett Calls For $44 Million In Workforce And Housing Spending

Funds would come from $394 million federal ARPA grant.

Kaul Announces Run For Reelection

Kaul Announces Run For Reelection

Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul predicts a tough race against Republican challenger.