
Campaign Cash: Legislative Committees Exceed Donation Limits
Campaign Cash

Legislative Committees Exceed Donation Limits

Both parties' campaign committees violate campaign law limit, watchdog group finds.

Baldwin Bill Helps Veterans Exposed to Toxins

Baldwin Bill Helps Veterans Exposed to Toxins

U.S. service members exposed to cancer-causing toxic materials at horrific air base.

11 Bills Would Change State Voting Laws

11 Bills Would Change State Voting Laws

One is bipartisan. The others are not.

MKE County: Crowley’s Speech Stresses Pandemic, Racial Equity
MKE County

Crowley’s Speech Stresses Pandemic, Racial Equity

County executive's first State of the County address comes amid historic crisis.

Data Wonk: High Court Minority Embarrasses Itself
Data Wonk

High Court Minority Embarrasses Itself

State Supreme Court came perilously close to invalidating a legal election.

Court Watch: Kegel vs. Roth for Circuit Court Branch 3
Court Watch

Kegel vs. Roth for Circuit Court Branch 3

Two attorneys running for vacant seat answer questions.

Campaign Cash: GOP Gets 69% of Corporate Cash for Legislative Races
Campaign Cash

GOP Gets 69% of Corporate Cash for Legislative Races

$1.6 million donated in 2020, just below record set in 2018.

Back in the News: Bipartisan Bashing of Ron Johnson
Back in the News

Bipartisan Bashing of Ron Johnson

His latest hoax, that ‘fake Trump protesters’ led Capitol riots, called 'disgraceful.’

Senate Debates High School Sports Eligibility

Senate Debates High School Sports Eligibility

Should virtual and charter school students be able to participate in district school’s extracurriculars?

Op Ed: Republican Bill Makes Voting Harder
Op Ed

Republican Bill Makes Voting Harder

List of restrictions will make it less likely that disabled, nursing home residents and others vote.

Legislature Okays Unemployment System Upgrades

Legislature Okays Unemployment System Upgrades

Bill also includes COVID-19 legal immunity for businesses.

Op Ed: Green Wave Sweeping the State
Op Ed

Green Wave Sweeping the State

Economic prosperity and environmental progress can work hand-in-hand.