
Op Ed: Sen. Ramthun Wants To Hijack Election
Op Ed

Sen. Ramthun Wants To Hijack Election

Offering no evidence of fraud, legislator would cancel the ballots of every voter in the state.

State Insurance Commissioner Retires

State Insurance Commissioner Retires

Evers appointee Mark Afable steps down.

City Hall: Council Okays ‘Warp Speed’ Redistricting
City Hall

Council Okays ‘Warp Speed’ Redistricting

City officials forced to work quickly, with one council member objecting to new plan.

City Hall: Entrepreneur Announces Run for Mayor
City Hall

Entrepreneur Announces Run for Mayor

Michael Sampson, 38 founder of SWARMM Events, vying to replace Tom Barrett.

Op Ed: Biden Delivers For Wisconsin
Op Ed

Biden Delivers For Wisconsin

Bipartisan infrastructure bill gives state $8 billion for roads, bridges, transit, broadband and much more.

Johnson Pushes Legislators to Take Over Federal Elections

Johnson Pushes Legislators to Take Over Federal Elections

Including U.S. Senator race. He has 'lost confidence' in state elections agency.

City Hall: The Council’s War With Tearman Spencer
City Hall

The Council’s War With Tearman Spencer

Lots of grumbling, but City Attorney scores wins in two of three battles Tuesday.

City Hall: Committee Backs City Redistricting Plan
City Hall

Committee Backs City Redistricting Plan

But what about a third Latino majority district?

Murphy’s Law: After Rittenhouse, Expect More Vigilantes
Murphy’s Law

After Rittenhouse, Expect More Vigilantes

Self defense laws and lack of gun control at issue. Is reform possible?

Voces Protests Change in Biden Bill

Voces Protests Change in Biden Bill

Build Back Better drops pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

The State of Politics: Why Capitol Reporters Change Careers
The State of Politics

Why Capitol Reporters Change Careers

Riley Vetterkind, now the Elections Commission spokesperson, latest to make the move.

Op Ed: Legislature Blocks DNR On Water Pollution
Op Ed

Legislature Blocks DNR On Water Pollution

Legislators use rule making authority to prevent water pollution protections.