
Murphy’s Law: Will Republicans Give Milwaukee a Sales Tax?
Murphy’s Law

Will Republicans Give Milwaukee a Sales Tax?

Meeting to ‘reset’ relationship between city and state legislators raises doubts, hopes.

Kaul Will Prosecute Threats Against Election Workers

Kaul Will Prosecute Threats Against Election Workers

"Intimidating election officials is a crime,’ Wisconsin Attorney General warns.

The State of Politics: Poll Finds Huge Partisan Gap on Issues
The State of Politics

Poll Finds Huge Partisan Gap on Issues

Is the biggest issue inflation or climate change? Depends on who you ask.

President To Visit Milwaukee On Labor Day

President To Visit Milwaukee On Labor Day

Biden will make his second presidential visit to city, attend Laborfest.

Op Ed: Milwaukee, the RNC and Nuremberg
Op Ed

Milwaukee, the RNC and Nuremberg

The city could be host to a quasi-fascist, Republican hatefest.

Judge Signals Support of State’s Disabled Voters

Judge Signals Support of State’s Disabled Voters

Federal lawsuit seeks to overturn Wisconsin Supreme Court decision limiting how disabled can vote.

Op Ed: Loser Cheney Will Be Trump’s Nightmare
Op Ed

Loser Cheney Will Be Trump’s Nightmare

Her impact may be felt in Wisconsin.

Half of Wisconsin Student Debt Nearly Eliminated Under Biden Plan

Half of Wisconsin Student Debt Nearly Eliminated Under Biden Plan

52% of federal borrowers have $20,000 or less in student debt.

State a Leader in Election Subversion

State a Leader in Election Subversion

Report finds 38 of 244 bills in U.S. threatening free and fair elections were pushed in Wisconsin.

Chantia Lewis Sentenced To 30 Days In Custody, 3 Years Probation

Chantia Lewis Sentenced To 30 Days In Custody, 3 Years Probation

Sentence much lighter than DA wanted for two campaign finance felonies.

Data Wonk: Examining Michels ‘Blueprint For Elections’
Data Wonk

Examining Michels ‘Blueprint For Elections’

The GOP businessman candidate for governor offers a very un-business like analysis.

City Hall: It’s City Budget Education Week
City Hall

It’s City Budget Education Week

Why does Milwaukee face a fiscal crisis? What can be done? Virtual events will provide answers.