
Dead Bird, Image of Mandela Barnes Left Outside Kenosha NAACP President’s Home

Dead Bird, Image of Mandela Barnes Left Outside Kenosha NAACP President’s Home

Literature darkened Barnes skin. Latest in series of racially tinged campaign incidents.

Back in the News: Still More Tax Breaks for Ron Johnson
Back in the News

Still More Tax Breaks for Ron Johnson

Paying no state income taxes on trust fund that pays for his million-dollar home.

What Do Milwaukee Voters Want?

What Do Milwaukee Voters Want?

Voces de la Frontera does voter education. BLOC goes door to door, finds people want 'housing and good jobs.'

City Hall: Proposed Budget Amendments Reverse Library, Fire Department Cuts
City Hall

Proposed Budget Amendments Reverse Library, Fire Department Cuts

Majority of council supports $4.7 million amendment.

Back in the New: Poll Shows Barnes Nearly Even With Johnson
Back in the New

Poll Shows Barnes Nearly Even With Johnson

CNN's new poll on US Senate race has Johnson with 50%, Barnes with 49%.

Republicans Hope to Flip Three Legislative Seats in Northern Wisconsin

Republicans Hope to Flip Three Legislative Seats in Northern Wisconsin

Gerrymandering could help them gain supermajority and veto-proof Legislature.

The State of Politics: Evers, Michels Split on Public Schools
The State of Politics

Evers, Michels Split on Public Schools

Evers wants $2 billion hike in K-12 school aid, Michels wants all the money for voucher schools.

Op Ed: Will You Vote for An Election Denier?
Op Ed

Will You Vote for An Election Denier?

It may be the most important issue in the November election.

Eight Checks The State Uses to Prevent Voter Fraud

Eight Checks The State Uses to Prevent Voter Fraud

Such fraud is very rare, yet Wisconsin still takes many steps to prevent it.

Op Ed: Ron Johnson Peddles Myths on Social Security
Op Ed

Ron Johnson Peddles Myths on Social Security

Republican U.S. Senator's push to 'save' it would actually destroy the program.

Campaign Cash: Record Spending by Outside Groups for Republicans
Campaign Cash

Record Spending by Outside Groups for Republicans

$29 million to support GOP candidates for state office vs. $7.7 million for Democrats.

Op Ed: County Budget Puts Public Health, Safety First
Op Ed

County Budget Puts Public Health, Safety First

2023 budget requires tough decisions. As county executive here are my priorities.