
Murphy’s Law: Dan Bice Undermines Elections Commission
Murphy’s Law

Dan Bice Undermines Elections Commission

Journal Sentinel reporter’s attack helps reinforce election lies.

What Will Happen to Evers’ Appointees?

What Will Happen to Evers’ Appointees?

After four years, a long list of his appointees to head departments, serve on state boards still haven't been approved by GOP Senate.

The State of Politics: Democrats Retain Capitol ‘Firewalls’
The State of Politics

Democrats Retain Capitol ‘Firewalls’

Barnes sets record, the most telling campaign quote and Northwest Wisconsin turns red.

Legislative Democrats Review Losses, Strategy

Legislative Democrats Review Losses, Strategy

Party lost 4 more seats, hopes for compromise on some issues with Republicans.

Op Ed: 5 Lessons From Mid-Term Election
Op Ed

5 Lessons From Mid-Term Election

Milwaukee's under-performance is a problem. And lack of national Democratic funding doomed Pfaff.

UW System to Relaunch Student Free Speech Survey

UW System to Relaunch Student Free Speech Survey

Underwritten by John Menard-funded institution.

MKE County: Board Adopts 2023 County Budget
MKE County

Board Adopts 2023 County Budget

Board spent nearly 12 hours debating amendments, what passed?

Don’t Disband Elections Commission Says Its Administrator

Don’t Disband Elections Commission Says Its Administrator

Commission is bipartisan by design and must hold public meetings. Michels had suggested eliminating Walker-created commission.

Robin Vos Reelected Assembly Speaker

Robin Vos Reelected Assembly Speaker

"I can't stick with one person and ride the ship down," said Vos about Trump potentially running for president in 2024.

Mayor Vetoes Library, Fire Service Cut Restorations in 2023 Milwaukee Budget

Mayor Vetoes Library, Fire Service Cut Restorations in 2023 Milwaukee Budget

In making first veto, Johnson offers compromise to Common Council.

Analyzing Milwaukee Area Turnout and Results That Led To Evers’ Win

Analyzing Milwaukee Area Turnout and Results That Led To Evers’ Win

Governor pulled off something no Wisconsin Democrat has accomplished in 60 years.

Wisconsin Voters Endorse Marijuana Legalization, Abortion Rights In Referendums