
Wisconsin Budget: Slashing Safety Net Will Weaken Workforce
Wisconsin Budget

Slashing Safety Net Will Weaken Workforce

Healthy workers make better employees.

Campaign Cash: Big Bucks Back Trucking Industry Handout
Campaign Cash

Big Bucks Back Trucking Industry Handout

Business, manufacturing, agricultural, and trucking interests behind bill gave $7.1 million to legislators since 2015.

Op Ed: Unlock the Vote!
Op Ed

Unlock the Vote!

Four proposed bills buttress civil rights, making it easier for more people to vote.

Bill To Hike Property Tax Credit Raises Controversy

Bill To Hike Property Tax Credit Raises Controversy

Targeted tax credits meant to threaten funding for school districts that went virtual.

GOP Bills Restrict University Teaching

GOP Bills Restrict University Teaching

Barring critical race theory, diluting ethnic course requirements, ending administrators’ immunity from lawsuits.

Griffin Touts ‘Ieshuh for the People’ Plan

Griffin Touts ‘Ieshuh for the People’ Plan

'This is really the people's seat,’ candidate for Milwaukee mayor says.

Supreme Court Rules Against Drop Boxes

Supreme Court Rules Against Drop Boxes

570 absentee drop boxes used in 66 counties barred by state high court beginning with April election.

Why You Should Vote For Each Candidate For Mayor

Why You Should Vote For Each Candidate For Mayor

We asked the candidates themselves, what makes you the best person for the job?

Assembly Will Vote On Unemployment, Medicaid Bills

Assembly Will Vote On Unemployment, Medicaid Bills

Several bills would remake unemployment system, restrict access to Medicaid.

Assembly Considering ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ Legislation

Assembly Considering ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ Legislation

Rights determine medical care, child's name and pronouns used at school and review of instructional materials, among others.

What Will Earnell Lucas Do As Mayor?

What Will Earnell Lucas Do As Mayor?

Sheriff says stopping violent crime and reckless driving are key to city's future.

State Rep. Timothy Ramthun Running for Governor

State Rep. Timothy Ramthun Running for Governor

Ramthun gained national attention when he tried to decertify the 2020 election results.