
NEWaukeean of the Week: Andrea Klaus
NEWaukeean of the Week

Andrea Klaus

"Summers in Milwaukee are the best."

Wisconsin Budget: State Tax Collections Come Up Short
Wisconsin Budget

State Tax Collections Come Up Short

New data shows shortfall that could cause problems if slower revenue growth continues.

Sherman Park Residents Express Shock, Sorrow

Sherman Park Residents Express Shock, Sorrow

Violence in neighborhood is reaction to racism, lack of jobs and quality education, they say.

NEWaukeean of the Week: Erik Richter
NEWaukeean of the Week

Erik Richter

"I absolutely love that Milwaukee's hidden gems can be seen through Doors Open."

NEWaukeean of the Week: Dani Breen
NEWaukeean of the Week

Dani Breen

"There’s so much potential in Milwaukee."

Youth Group Leader Gets National Coverage

Youth Group Leader Gets National Coverage

Marcus Duke, head of Club Kids 414, wins honors, TV coverage on BET Awards Show.

Artist Cuts Through Racial Barriers

Artist Cuts Through Racial Barriers

Writer Dasha Kelly has won the city’s Artist of the Year award.

NEWaukeean of the Week: Corey Olson
NEWaukeean of the Week

Corey Olson

"I love how Milwaukee ties the community to the lakefront and the area rivers."

NEWaukeean of the Week: Amber Bahr
NEWaukeean of the Week

Amber Bahr

"I love this city and all it has to offer!"

NEWaukeean of the Week: Dana Smith
NEWaukeean of the Week

Dana Smith

"I would absolutely love to see our city embrace busking, and live art."

Dairyland Tour: Brent Emery
Dairyland Tour

Brent Emery

Local cyclist first competed in the 1984 Olympics, now still competing at a high-level at ToAD.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel’s Bias Against Feingold
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel’s Bias Against Feingold

The coverage of Russ Feingold suggests they’ve truly become a Republican newspaper.