
Wisconsin Supreme Court Hears Lawsuit Over Legislature’s Authority

Wisconsin Supreme Court Hears Lawsuit Over Legislature’s Authority

Gov. Evers sued over Joint Finance Committee's actions to hold up stewardship funds.

Trump, Baldwin Narrowly Ahead In Marquette Poll of State

Trump, Baldwin Narrowly Ahead In Marquette Poll of State

7 months before election Baldwin leads Hovde by 5 points, Trump leads Biden by 2 points.

City Hall: Council, City Officials Celebrate Inauguration
City Hall

Council, City Officials Celebrate Inauguration

'When you go into public service, you should feel the weight and responsibility.'

Eric Hovde Loans His Campaign $8 Million to Oppose Tammy Baldwin

Eric Hovde Loans His Campaign $8 Million to Oppose Tammy Baldwin

Republican seeking to unseat Sen. Baldwin is latest state candidate to self-fund.

Back in the News: Josh Kaul Investigating Fake Electors?
Back in the News

Josh Kaul Investigating Fake Electors?

Wisconsin attorney general's office interviewed Kenneth Chesebro, part of 'active' probe.

Mayor Backs Boulevard To Replace I-794 Downtown

Mayor Backs Boulevard To Replace I-794 Downtown

'We should be thinking about the city we want in the future, 30 years from now.'

Suit Challenges Evers’ Partial Veto Hiking School Funding for 400 Years

Suit Challenges Evers’ Partial Veto Hiking School Funding for 400 Years

Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce filed suit, arguing veto is unconstitutional.

City Hall: Mayor Pledges To Get Involved in Schools
City Hall

Mayor Pledges To Get Involved in Schools

Johnson vows to make Milwaukee a city that attracts people because of its schools.

City Hall: Council President Jose Perez Reelected
City Hall

Council President Jose Perez Reelected

Pérez wins by 10-5 vote over Milele Coggs to lead city's legislative body.

MKE County: First Majority-Women Milwaukee County Board in History Sworn In
MKE County

First Majority-Women Milwaukee County Board in History Sworn In

Board chair Marcelia Nicholson hangs onto the position for a third-term.

Wisconsin Elections Chief Meagan Wolfe Gets Increased Security

Wisconsin Elections Chief Meagan Wolfe Gets Increased Security

Election workers have faced threats. Trump claimed Wolfe would 'try to steal' election.

Murphy’s Law: The Return of County Cronyism
Murphy’s Law

The Return of County Cronyism

Or maybe it never went away. Push for 36% salary hikes echoes mentality behind infamous county pension plan.