Murphy’s Law

Back in the News: How Hovde Evaded Federal Taxes
Back in the News

How Hovde Evaded Federal Taxes

He has said he wants to stop what the companies he invested in did: paying zero federal taxes on investments.

Murphy’s Law: How to Grow Milwaukee to 1 Million
Murphy’s Law

How to Grow Milwaukee to 1 Million

Mayor Cavalier Johnson is missing the key way to grow the city.

Murphy’s Law: State Pension System Is a Huge Success
Murphy’s Law

State Pension System Is a Huge Success

Retirement system that Gov. Walker tried to change is nationally renowned, helps reduce wealth gap.

Murphy’s Law: How Utility Rates Hurt State’s Economy
Murphy’s Law

How Utility Rates Hurt State’s Economy

Wisconsin’s once-low electric rates now the highest in Midwest. That’s a big problem for all of us.

Murphy’s Law: Top County Jobs No Longer Needed?
Murphy’s Law

Top County Jobs No Longer Needed?

Positions of county treasurer, clerk and register of deeds should be eliminated, not given raises.

Murphy’s Law: Does ShotSpotter Reduce Crime?
Murphy’s Law

Does ShotSpotter Reduce Crime?

Milwaukee is one of 150 cities that use it. But is there any hard evidence that it works?

Murphy’s Law: Can Hovde Beat Baldwin?
Murphy’s Law

Can Hovde Beat Baldwin?

Polls suggest Tammy Baldwin is beatable. But Hovde seems to be floundering for a way to do it.

Murphy’s Law: Wealthy Health Chain Closing 2 Hospitals
Murphy’s Law

Wealthy Health Chain Closing 2 Hospitals

Executives seek to maximize revenue? GOP rejection of expanded Medicaid also at fault?

Murphy’s Law: Court’s Redistricting Experts Under Fire
Murphy’s Law

Court’s Redistricting Experts Under Fire

At least from Republicans. Who are the experts and should they be trusted?

Murphy’s Law: Even Republicans Praise Tammy Baldwin
Murphy’s Law

Even Republicans Praise Tammy Baldwin

Democrat’s ability to court rural vote wins grudging respect — and fear.

Back in the News: Mike Gallagher’s Profile In Courage
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Mike Gallagher’s Profile In Courage

Republican Wisconsin congressman's vote against impeachment causes furor.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Film Faces Problems
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Film Faces Problems

Huge shortfall in funding, departure of chief executive, point to challenges for group.