
State Board Okays Rules on PFAS Pollution

State Board Okays Rules on PFAS Pollution

Wisconsin Natural Resources Board will create stricter rule making process for PFAS levels in water.

Democrats Push Paid Family Leave Bill

Democrats Push Paid Family Leave Bill

Modeled after other states, bill creates insurance trust fund paid for entirely by employees.

Ascension St. Joe’s Won’t Sign Agreement

Ascension St. Joe’s Won’t Sign Agreement

Still tension between hospital and area residents over potential cuts in service.

Lead Exposure Linked to Gun Violence

Lead Exposure Linked to Gun Violence

UWM study finds kids exposed to lead are more likely to later commit gun violence.

State Resists Immunizations

State Resists Immunizations

Wisconsin ranks 35th in percent of immunized children, yet bipartisan bill to address problem is stalled in committee.

State’s Meth Cases Up By 450%

State’s Meth Cases Up By 450%

Methamphetamine crisis quietly grows in Wisconsin while all attention on opioid epidemic.

State Second Worse for Binge Drinking

State Second Worse for Binge Drinking

Report finds 24% of Wisconsin adults engage in binge drinking, versus 16% nationally.

Police Seize Almost $1 Million From THC Vaping Operation

Police Seize Almost $1 Million From THC Vaping Operation

Department looking for a connection to the outbreak of vaping-related lung disease.

DNR Releases PFAS Contamination Data

DNR Releases PFAS Contamination Data

PFAS chemicals have been linked to a multitude of health problems

FDA Testing Vapes for Link to Lung Damage

FDA Testing Vapes for Link to Lung Damage

The Wisconsin DHS is tracking 69 possible cases of vaping-related lung disease.

Op Ed: Move Wisconsin Medicaid Expansion Forward
Op Ed

Move Wisconsin Medicaid Expansion Forward

70 percent of Wisconsinites support Medicaid expansion. It would provide health insurance to those without, and save state millions.

Oxycontin Maker Gave $65k to Marquette University

Oxycontin Maker Gave $65k to Marquette University

Family behind Purdue Pharma, a company being sued for its role in opioid epidemic, made $60 million in donations to universities around the world.