
Data Wonk: How We’ve Recovered From Economic Woes
Data Wonk

How We’ve Recovered From Economic Woes

Recent history shows similar patterns -- and keys to recovery -- for Wisconsin and U.S.

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Shop Local

Looking for Milwaukee gifts? Shop Urban Milwaukee: The Store online or in-person at 755 N. Milwaukee St.

MKE County: County Nets $71 Million From Opioid Lawsuit
MKE County

County Nets $71 Million From Opioid Lawsuit

That is county's portion of national lawsuit in which Milwaukee played key role.

ELMNT Bar Wins Injunction, Can Reopen

ELMNT Bar Wins Injunction, Can Reopen

60-day suspension for downtown nightclub delayed until at least March.

Fusion Center Raises Questions About Privacy

Fusion Center Raises Questions About Privacy

Milwaukee police use it to track protestors, emails show.

Op Ed: Vos Has Dreadful Record on COVID-19
Op Ed

Vos Has Dreadful Record on COVID-19

Offering cynicism and incompetence as state approaches 950,000 cases and 9,800 deaths.

City Hall: Police Union Adopts Vaccine-or-Mask Rule
City Hall

Police Union Adopts Vaccine-or-Mask Rule

Unvaccinated officers face termination for failure to comply with mask requirement. Union not happy.

City Hall: Mayor Tom Barrett Resigns
City Hall

Mayor Tom Barrett Resigns

Cavalier Johnson will become acting mayor. Special election planned for April.

Legislators Withhold Chisholm’s Pay Raise

Legislators Withhold Chisholm’s Pay Raise

Every state worker except Milwaukee DA given a 2% raise in pay.

State High Court Asked to Rule On Marsy’s Law

State High Court Asked to Rule On Marsy’s Law

Appeals court won’t decide suit, citing little case law whether voters on ballot question fully informed.

Sponsored: What to Know About Catalytic Converter Theft

What to Know About Catalytic Converter Theft

Thefts are skyrocketing. How can you protect your car?

Dimitrijevic Offers Plan to Fight COVID-19

Dimitrijevic Offers Plan to Fight COVID-19

Mayoral candidate wants free at-home tests and $100 incentive to get vaccine and booster.