
How Teens Students Helped Southside Community Garden Bloom

How Teens Students Helped Southside Community Garden Bloom

'I learned that even a little area can make a difference in our community.'

Cleanup Of Polluted Great Lakes Sites Reverses Housing Price Declines

Cleanup Of Polluted Great Lakes Sites Reverses Housing Price Declines

Federal recognition of polluted sites depressed values, now federal funds are reversing effect, cleaning water.

Op Ed: Crandon Mine’s Defeat Changed The State
Op Ed

Crandon Mine’s Defeat Changed The State

20 years ago a coalition of tribal and environmental advocates had surprising victory over mining companies.

City Seeks 20% Cut in Energy Costs for 106 Buildings

City Seeks 20% Cut in Energy Costs for 106 Buildings

And 45% emissions reduction. Seeking contractor, federal funding to meet climate goals.

DNR Says Bottled Water Companies Aren’t Required to Test For PFAS

DNR Says Bottled Water Companies Aren’t Required to Test For PFAS

Not required in Wisconsin by state or federal rules, but some companies do it voluntarily.

Should We Energies Get Another Rate Hike?

Should We Energies Get Another Rate Hike?

Last year residents saw nearly 11% increase. PSC hears from opponents.

GOP Senators Introduce Protectionist Transmission Line Bill

GOP Senators Introduce Protectionist Transmission Line Bill

Proposal would make it difficult for competitors to ATC to enter market.

Increasing Number of Wisconsin Kids Skipping Immunizations

Increasing Number of Wisconsin Kids Skipping Immunizations

Use of personal conviction waivers has increased, particularly in rural and small school districts.

Milwaukee Wins $275 Million Grant To Fund Massive Waterway Cleanup

Milwaukee Wins $275 Million Grant To Fund Massive Waterway Cleanup

Generational effort will see Milwaukee waterways lose their "area of concern" designation.

MPS Celebrates 5 Asphalt-To-Green Space Transformations

MPS Celebrates 5 Asphalt-To-Green Space Transformations

Leaders hold green ribbon cutting at Riley Dual Language Montessori School.

Sierra Club Finds We Energies Behind On Clean Energy

Sierra Club Finds We Energies Behind On Clean Energy

Report gives We Energies a 'D'; other utilities in state ranked higher.

City Hall: Milwaukee Wins $12 Million Federal Tree Grant
City Hall

Milwaukee Wins $12 Million Federal Tree Grant

City, county, MPS will use funding to improve tree canopy in low-income areas.