
COVID-19 Spreading Across UW System

COVID-19 Spreading Across UW System

Multiple schools are experiencing high positivity rates, UWM's results unclear.

UW-Madison Moves Classes Online After COVID-19 Spike

UW-Madison Moves Classes Online After COVID-19 Spike

After one week of classes. And two residence halls are currently quarantined.

Jill Biden Hears From Moms in Green Bay

Jill Biden Hears From Moms in Green Bay

Virtual event focuses on challenges of virtual schooling.

The Contrarian: Journal Sentinel School Choice Blackout
The Contrarian

Journal Sentinel School Choice Blackout

Newspaper ignores new study with powerful results for voucher schools.

COVID Cases Rising at State’s Universities

COVID Cases Rising at State’s Universities

Up 6.1% at UW-Madison, up 6% at UW-Milwaukee.

UW System Begins In-Person Classes

UW System Begins In-Person Classes

As outbreaks drive other universities online, Thompson says UW has 'got to try’.

Op Ed: Students Need Help During Pandemic
Op Ed

Students Need Help During Pandemic

Social-emotional skills are critical. How AmeriCorps members can help.

Op Ed: 8 Ways to Address Student Debt Crisis
Op Ed

8 Ways to Address Student Debt Crisis

Governor’s task force winnowed 37 ideas down to eight recommendations.

Op Ed: We Must Invest in UW System
Op Ed

We Must Invest in UW System

Every dollar invested in our universities pumps $23 into the state’s economy.

COVID-19 Cases At 5 Wisconsin Colleges

COVID-19 Cases At 5 Wisconsin Colleges

UW-Milwaukee, Marquette and Madison all have positive cases.

Kenosha Schools Will Have In-Person Classes

Kenosha Schools Will Have In-Person Classes

Unlike Appleton and Oak Creek-Franklin, board votes to move from virtual to in-person classes.

Back-To-School Resources for Families

Back-To-School Resources for Families

School supply drives, internet access, book readings and more.