
President Biden Unveils Student Loan Forgiveness Plan in Madison

President Biden Unveils Student Loan Forgiveness Plan in Madison

His second Wisconsin visit in recent weeks. Plan lowers costs for 25 million borrowers.

School Districts Take Stock of Referendum Results

School Districts Take Stock of Referendum Results

Across state, 56 of 93 of April ballot requests for more money passed.

Hmong and Asian American Histories Now Required Subjects in Wisconsin Schools

Hmong and Asian American Histories Now Required Subjects in Wisconsin Schools

Evers signs bipartisan law requiring such instruction in state schools.

Regents Approve UW Tuition Increase

Regents Approve UW Tuition Increase

Segregated fees, room and board rates, graduate tuition, nonresident undergraduate tuition will also increase.

Concordia University Will Lay Off 24 Employees

Concordia University Will Lay Off 24 Employees

School has run deficits in recent years. Layoffs at Mequon campus to begin May 31

The State of Politics: How Higher Ed Institutions Are Shrinking
The State of Politics

How Higher Ed Institutions Are Shrinking

It's a stunning trend: Four-year and two-year campuses are cutting back, merging, closing.

UW-Madison to Open PFAS Center

UW-Madison to Open PFAS Center

US Rep. Mark Pocan secured $963,000 federal funding for Center of Excellence in PFAS Environmental Science.

85 School Districts Asking Voters for $1.4 Billion Funding

85 School Districts Asking Voters for $1.4 Billion Funding

April ballot referendums driven by rising costs and inadequate state funding, officials say.

UW Campuses Plan In-State Tuition Hike

UW Campuses Plan In-State Tuition Hike

Proposed 3.75% raise comes after 5% this year. Board of Regents must approve it.

Data Wonk: How Partisan Divide on Education Hurts State
Data Wonk

How Partisan Divide on Education Hurts State

Some schools with poor students have success. Why aren't we learning from that?

Lawsuit Charges MPS Principal Abused First Grader for Having Gay Parents

Lawsuit Charges MPS Principal Abused First Grader for Having Gay Parents

Milwaukee Public Schools administration, school board took no action, federal suit claims.

April Voters Will Weigh In on School Culture Wars

April Voters Will Weigh In on School Culture Wars

Activist school board members in Cudahy, Waukesha and other suburbs up for reelection.