
Op Ed: MPS Should Offer In-Person Classes
Op Ed

MPS Should Offer In-Person Classes

Or else the Legislature should expand school choice.

Teacher Vaccinations Uneven So Far

Teacher Vaccinations Uneven So Far

Some educators are returning to classrooms, but still waiting for vaccine.

Op Ed: UW System Should Correct UWM Inequity
Op Ed

UW System Should Correct UWM Inequity

UWM and UW-Parkside serve the most students of color and are grossly underfunded.

UW System Seeks $5 Billion for Capital Projects

UW System Seeks $5 Billion for Capital Projects

Campuses request 185 construction and improvement projects, budget request is for 28.

City Aims To Vaccinate Every Educator In Two Weeks

City Aims To Vaccinate Every Educator In Two Weeks

City health department, Children's Wisconsin and Medical College will partner in effort.

Evers Says Schools May Need Summer Classes

Evers Says Schools May Need Summer Classes

Or early return. Schools need to 'catch up’ on learning lost during pandemic.

Evers Pushes Funding to Help Schools Change Mascots

Evers Pushes Funding to Help Schools Change Mascots

“If it's not a financial issue,” why won’t schools change race-based mascots? he asks.

GOP Bills Bar Transgender Athletes

GOP Bills Bar Transgender Athletes

Prevents them from competing with school teams that align with their gender identity.

Marquette Plans In-Person Classes in Fall

Marquette Plans In-Person Classes in Fall

University is planning a Fall 2021 semester that resembles pre-pandemic campus life.

Higher Education: Will MU Become Marquette Tech?
Higher Education

Will MU Become Marquette Tech?

Faculty worry that cuts in liberal arts, push for more technical education, threatens university’s Jesuit identity.

Tech Colleges Push To Expand General Education

Tech Colleges Push To Expand General Education

Seek authority to expand Gen Ed degrees without UW System approval.

Will There Be Enough Vaccines For Teachers?

Will There Be Enough Vaccines For Teachers?

As of Monday they can get vaccinated. But supplies likely to fall short.