
New MPS Superintendent Left Prior Job During Period It Faced Similar Criticism

New MPS Superintendent Left Prior Job During Period It Faced Similar Criticism

Brenda Cassellius named Milwaukee superintendent as district faces numerous challenges.

MPS Audit Finds ‘Culture of Fear and Reluctance to Change’

MPS Audit Finds ‘Culture of Fear and Reluctance to Change’

But "prime opportunity" to overcome to get things right. Governor proposes $8 million in support.

Superintendent Candidate Jeff Wright Says He’ll Improve Communication With Public, Legislature
Murphy’s Law: MPS, City Feud Over Paying School Resource Officers
Murphy’s Law

MPS, City Feud Over Paying School Resource Officers

Not one cop has signed up for required training. Viewed as dead-end job?

GOP Lawmakers Propose Cell Phone Bans in Schools

GOP Lawmakers Propose Cell Phone Bans in Schools

Most schools in Wisconsin restrict use by students. Several states have passed bans.

K-12 Education: Meet the New MPS Superintendent
K-12 Education

Meet the New MPS Superintendent

A change agent? Brenda Cassellius has higher-level educational experience than any past MPS head.

State Superintendent Jill Underly Running as Public Education Champion

State Superintendent Jill Underly Running as Public Education Champion

'We need people in the Legislature who will fight for public schools, too,' incumbent says.

State Superintendent Candidate Brittany Kinser Wants Higher Standards

State Superintendent Candidate Brittany Kinser Wants Higher Standards

Former teacher, principal and school choice lobbyist calls herself a 'moderate.'

State Superintendent Candidate Defends Lack of Education Licenses

State Superintendent Candidate Defends Lack of Education Licenses

Brittany Kinser lacks Wisconsin’s teachers license and current school administrator license.

Legislative Proposal Would Reverse DPI’s Changes To School Testing

Legislative Proposal Would Reverse DPI’s Changes To School Testing

Superintendent Jill Underly criticized for decision to change standards.

Dangerous Levels of Lead Contamination Found At Three MPS Schools

Dangerous Levels of Lead Contamination Found At Three MPS Schools

District says it has remediated situation, but its buildings have been source of lead poisoning.

Advocates Push to Increase Funding For UW System

Advocates Push to Increase Funding For UW System

State ranks 43rd in funding, jeopardizing state's workforce and economy, civic leaders say.