
Op Ed: We Energies’ Natural Gas Plans Are A Mistake
Op Ed

We Energies’ Natural Gas Plans Are A Mistake

Proposals represent a substantial deviation from clean, affordable energy goals.

U.S. Supreme Court Halts Cross-State Pollution Regulations, Impacting Wisconsin

U.S. Supreme Court Halts Cross-State Pollution Regulations, Impacting Wisconsin

EPA plan aims to protect public health, but the rule has faced pushback from states and industry groups.

City Hall: Large Milwaukee Buildings Will Be Required To Conduct Energy Benchmarks
City Hall

Large Milwaukee Buildings Will Be Required To Conduct Energy Benchmarks

Simply tracking the data expected to trigger process that cuts energy use by 2.4% per year.

Almost All of Wisconsin Could Have High-Speed Internet Access by 2030

Almost All of Wisconsin Could Have High-Speed Internet Access by 2030

PSC Chair Summer Strand said areas still lacking reliable broadband are the hardest to reach. Federal aid will help.

MKE County: County Government Charts Big Expansion of Solar Power
MKE County

County Government Charts Big Expansion of Solar Power

New Coggs building project is a catalyst for countywide plan exploring solar power.

MKE County: Officials Celebrate Kletzsch Dam Fish Passage
MKE County

Officials Celebrate Kletzsch Dam Fish Passage

$3 million project connects fish to 54 miles of habitat that's been out of reach for 80 years.

Lawmakers At Odds Over Releasing Health, PFAS Funds

Lawmakers At Odds Over Releasing Health, PFAS Funds

GOP-controlled Joint Finance Committee won't release funding, citing legal risk.

MKE County: Milwaukee Might Get Thousands of New Trees
MKE County

Milwaukee Might Get Thousands of New Trees

County Parks seeks urban forestry grants funded by Inflation Reduction Act.

Wisconsin Now Nearly Drought Free

Wisconsin Now Nearly Drought Free

Spring rains have transformed Midwest from 40% of region in drought to just 1%.

Mount Pleasant Resident Files Ethics Complaint Against Village President Over Dumping

Mount Pleasant Resident Files Ethics Complaint Against Village President Over Dumping

Dave DeGroot accused of self-dealing to dump pond muck onto public property.

Beloit Has Worst Air Pollution in U.S.?

Beloit Has Worst Air Pollution in U.S.?

So says international report. ‘It’s time for us to do something about it.’

Milwaukee Dredging Project Could Have Extra Benefit

Milwaukee Dredging Project Could Have Extra Benefit

Estuary cleanup effort could release nutrients that boost Lake Michigan perch.