Related Press Releases - Page 12

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin Emphasizes the Need for Affordable Health Care

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin Emphasizes the Need for Affordable Health Care

There are 336,000 Wisconsin women in need of affordable, preventive health care including cancer screens, mammogram referrals, birth control and STD testing and treatment.

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Highlights Importance of Cervical Cancer Prevention, Early Detection
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Stands in Solidarity with Nation to Protect Access to Safe, Essential Health Care

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Stands in Solidarity with Nation to Protect Access to Safe, Essential Health Care

"While we’ve seen the continuation of hateful rhetoric towards Planned Parenthood by those who oppose our work, their voice clearly does not represent the majority."

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Ruling to Protect Women’s Continued Access to Safe and Legal Abortion in Wisconsin

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Ruling to Protect Women’s Continued Access to Safe and Legal Abortion in Wisconsin

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Applauds Decision Declaring Admitting Privileges Law Unconstitutional

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin Supports Introduction of the Patients Reproductive Health Act

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin Supports Introduction of the Patients Reproductive Health Act

Proactive legislation would allow patients to access reproductive health care free of political interference, harassment and misinformation

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Highlights the Importance of Nonjudgmental Health Care

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Highlights the Importance of Nonjudgmental Health Care

Transgender people face discrimination in every facet of their daily lives, but the barriers they face trying to access health care are particularly alarming.

Republicans on the Senate Health Committee Advance Bills to Restrict Access to Preventive Health Care

Republicans on the Senate Health Committee Advance Bills to Restrict Access to Preventive Health Care

Both defunding bills are intended to block PPWI and other family planning providers from receiving federal funding for providing preventative reproductive care to those in need.

Support for Planned Parenthood Demonstrated During #PinkOut Day
Wisconsin Republicans Double Down on Betrayal of Wisconsin Women

Wisconsin Republicans Double Down on Betrayal of Wisconsin Women

“...Wisconsin Republicans’ campaign to attack and betray Wisconsin women remains a very clear and present danger to Wisconsin families.”

Abortion-obsessed Republicans Choose Politics over Wisconsin Women’s Health

Abortion-obsessed Republicans Choose Politics over Wisconsin Women’s Health

“Assembly Bill 310 recklessly jeopardizes health care access to the 336,000 Wisconsin women who are in need of affordable reproductive health care.”

Walker’s Failed Presidential Bid Should be a Wake Up Call to Republicans Trying to Defund Planned Parenthood

Walker’s Failed Presidential Bid Should be a Wake Up Call to Republicans Trying to Defund Planned Parenthood

Republican leaders are fast tracking two bills aimed to further defund Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.

Assembly Health Committee Forwards Bills to Cut Women and Men off from Preventative Health Care

Assembly Health Committee Forwards Bills to Cut Women and Men off from Preventative Health Care

The bills are intended to block Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin and other family planning providers from receiving federal funding for providing preventative reproductive care to those in need.

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