Building Info

1240 E. Brady St. Photo by Mariiana Tzotcheva
  • Address:
    1240 E. Brady St.
  • Taxkey:
  • Status:
  • Assessed Value (Land):
  • Assessed Value (Improvements):
  • Assessed Value (Total):
  • Assesment Year:
  • Year Built:




Content referencing 1240 E. Brady St.

BESTD Clinic Celebrates 50 Years of Service

BESTD Clinic Celebrates 50 Years of Service

Drag show, awards ceremony and POP after-party on deck for clinic's golden anniversary.

City Has Most Cases of Syphilis in 20 Years

City Has Most Cases of Syphilis in 20 Years

441 cases in 2021 versus 183 in 2020. Especially affecting women of child-bearing age.

City Sees Surge in Syphilis Cases

City Sees Surge in Syphilis Cases

Number for 2021 higher than combined total for 2016 through 2019.

Syphilis Cases Up 300% in Milwaukee

Syphilis Cases Up 300% in Milwaukee

Once nearly eliminated, syphilis is 'back with a vengeance.'

Building data on this page, including assessment information, was last updated on April 5, 2024

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