Sugar Maple

Recent Articles

Snakehole Lounge: A Parks and Rec Pop up at the Sugar Maple
Amateur Hour: A Fundraiser For BestD
Press Release

Amateur Hour: A Fundraiser For BestD


Bar-Kini Bottom: A Winter Tiki Weekend
Press Release

Bar-Kini Bottom: A Winter Tiki Weekend


Hall-Ooo-Ween: An Adventure Time Pop-Up & Art Show
Bartendo Pop Up: Sugar Maple
Press Release

Bartendo Pop Up: Sugar Maple


Sugar Maple Celebrates Its 15 Year Anniversary with a Throwback 2008-era Quincañera Party featuring beer, food and live music
Tomeka Reid: Cello, Anjelina Niswer: Alto Saxophone and Mike Reed: Percussion- Trio
The Sugar Maple To Host “Wes Fest”: A Wes Anderson Themed Pop-Up & Art Show
The Sugar Maple To Host “Brown, Black & Brews: The 5th Ingredient”
The Sugar Maple To Host A Studio Ghibli Pop-Up & Art Show
Press Release

The Sugar Maple To Host A Studio Ghibli Pop-Up & Art Show

The Sugar Maple will undergo a head-to-toe transformation.

The Sugar Maple Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary with Avril Fête: A Saison Challenge Among Local Breweries