State Rep. Lee Snodgrass

Recent Articles

Republicans Embrace Government Overreach, Risk Shared Revenue for our Communities
Representative Snodgrass Applauds Significant Investment in Mental Health, Child Care and Public Schools in 2025-2027 Biennial Budget
Rep. Snodgrass Applauds Governor’s “Year of the Kid”, Investment in Youth
Representative Snodgrass, Assembly Democrats Introduce the ‘Lowering Costs, Improving Lives’ Package to Help Wisconsin’s Working Families
Rep. Snodgrass Reflects on the 2023-24 Session Period
Cory Asimus recognized as 2023 First Responder of the Year for the 57th Assembly District
Representative Snodgrass and Legislative Democrats introduce Safe & Sound Democracy Package
Shared Revenue Bill Increases Funds With Strings Attached
Representative Snodgrass Voted by Colleagues to Serve Second Term as Sergeant At Arms
Assembly Democrats Prioritize Sustainable, Long Term Investment in Community Safety and Law Enforcement
Representative Snodgrass Statement on Transgender Awareness Week
Save the Bees with the Pollinator Protection Package
Press Release

Save the Bees with the Pollinator Protection Package

Legislators prioritize well-being of pollinators to ensure healthy ecosystems for generations

Joint Committee on Finance Approves Knowles Nelson Grant Funds on Hold Since 2019
Representative Snodgrass Commends, Supports Governor Evers Small Business Commitment
Legislature Re-Introduces Ban on Conversion Therapy for Minors