Consumers Bear Costs of Polluted Water
Nitrate pollution requires local taxpayer solutions or buying bottled water.
Nov 20th, 2015Nitrate Pollutes State’s Drinking Water
Chemical is at unsafe levels in estimated 94,000 Wisconsin households.
Nov 17th, 2015DNR Scientist Cuts Bigger Than Predicted?
Walker's budget could also cut LTE staff in DNR's science bureau.
May 28th, 2015Cuts In DNR Scientists Could Hurt Walleye Fishing
Longterm DNR efforts to reverse Walleye decline in state lakes could be hurt by Walker's proposed cuts.
May 28th, 2015State Relents on Squeezing Family Planning Clinics
State auditor had demanded millions in repayment from clinics offering birth control, but now backs off.
Apr 16th, 2015Republicans Target Family Planning Clinics With Audit
Rules they seek to enforce could shut down every clinic offering birth control services in Wisconsin.
Jan 30th, 2015Wisconsin Is National Leader on Drunken Driving Test
First state to use European test that detects heavy drinking going back months, helping target those who need treatment intervention.
Dec 1st, 2014Will State Force Family Planning Clinics To Close?
State auditors say they are protecting taxpayers; birth control advocates say state has political agenda.
Nov 3rd, 2014Oil Shipping Could Endanger Great Lakes
Study says states not prepared for spills from tankers shipping oil from Alberta tar sands.
Mar 26th, 2014The Hunt for Endocrine Disruptors
Study of Minnesota's lakes finds chemical levels that are likely to be found in Wisconsin.
May 21st, 2013Minnesota Study Scares Wisconsin
Study of lakes finds 56 chemicals that could be harmful, prompting calls for more research in Wisconsin.
May 14th, 2013Why Experts Avoid Alarm on Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals
Experts avoid exposing themselves and their children to these chemicals but don't have enough evidence for public warnings.
Apr 24th, 2013DNR Doesn’t Test Wisconsin Waters for Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals
State lags behind Minnesota in testing lakes & rivers for chemicals that hurt reproduction and could cause diabetes, cancer.
Apr 22nd, 2013