State Rep. Kalan R. Haywood

Recent Articles

Op Ed: Biden Broadband Funding Helps Underserved Communities
Op Ed

Biden Broadband Funding Helps Underserved Communities

But FCC proposal to ban bulk billing could seriously hinder the progress made.

Kalan R. Haywood II Sworn in as the Youngest Elected Official in Wisconsin During Inauguration Ceremony Held at the Wisconsin State Capitol
Press Release

Kalan R. Haywood II Sworn in as the Youngest Elected Official in Wisconsin During Inauguration Ceremony Held at the Wisconsin State Capitol

"It is an extreme honor and privilege to be duly elected to serve the people of the 16th Assembly District."

City Leader Kalan R. Haywood Announces Candidacy for Wisconsin 16th Assembly District
Press Release

City Leader Kalan R. Haywood Announces Candidacy for Wisconsin 16th Assembly District

"Together we will breathe new life into the 16th District."