Jay Heck

Recent Articles

Op Ed: Your Vote Can Help Save Democracy
Op Ed

Your Vote Can Help Save Democracy

Wisconsin has made progress. A robust voter turnout in November will assure that continues.

Op Ed: State High Court’s Hyper-Partisan Ruling
Op Ed

State High Court’s Hyper-Partisan Ruling

Its decision approves gerrymandered maps even worse than those of last decade.

Op Ed: Charges Against Election Officials Are Partisan Stunt
Op Ed

Charges Against Election Officials Are Partisan Stunt

Using unproven allegations to cause distrust of democracy.

Op Ed: Campaign Spending Undermines Our Courts
Op Ed

Campaign Spending Undermines Our Courts

Out-of-control campaign spending and weak recusal rules are opposed by voters.

Op Ed: Beware of GOP Voting Restrictions
Op Ed

Beware of GOP Voting Restrictions

Republican legislators are floating plans to make if harder for some people to vote.

Op Ed: State DMVs Not Accessible for Photo IDs
Op Ed

State DMVs Not Accessible for Photo IDs

May create barrier for thousands seeking access to the ballot.

Op Ed: Why Vos and Fitzgerald Fear Fair Maps
Op Ed

Why Vos and Fitzgerald Fear Fair Maps

Only 10% of legislative districts and 0% of congressional districts offer voters a real choice.

Op Ed: Vos, Fitzgerald Lie About Gerrymander
Op Ed

Vos, Fitzgerald Lie About Gerrymander

Their claim that Iowa model for nonpartisan redistricting is unconstitutional is dead wrong.

Op Ed: State Supreme Court Race Is Crucial
Op Ed

State Supreme Court Race Is Crucial

At stake is whether justices will recuse themselves to avoid flagrant conflicts of interest.

Op Ed: Redistricting Now Up to Citizen Action
Op Ed

Redistricting Now Up to Citizen Action

U.S. Supreme Court decision leaves it up to voters to demand non-partisan redistricting.

Op Ed: Hagedorn Shows Why Recusal Rule Needed
Op Ed

Hagedorn Shows Why Recusal Rule Needed

Unprecedented speech by new Supreme Court Justice thanking Republicans for his victory shows obvious conflict.

Op Ed: Recusal At Issue in High Court Race
Op Ed

Recusal At Issue in High Court Race

State Supreme Court has one of nation’s weakest rules to prevent ethical conflicts.

Op Ed: Stronger Recusal Rules Needed for State Courts
Op Ed

Stronger Recusal Rules Needed for State Courts

Wisconsin was once the gold standard for impartial courts. Not any more.

Op-Ed: Judge’s Resignation From Ethics Commission Alarming

Judge’s Resignation From Ethics Commission Alarming

Judge Kinney resigns from state commission, criticizing its “secrecy” and lax standards.

Op-Ed: Wisconsin No Longer Has Electoral Competition

Wisconsin No Longer Has Electoral Competition

Only 10 of 99 Assembly races are even remotely competitive. What’s happened?

Op-Ed: Ron Johnson, Do Your Job

Ron Johnson, Do Your Job

Stop obstructing any hearings or consideration of Obama’s choice for Supreme Court.

Op-Ed: Bill Would Kill Nonpartisan Accountability Board

Bill Would Kill Nonpartisan Accountability Board

Proposal to replace GAB will effectively end its scrutiny of misconduct by legislators and state officials.