Slow Silencing – Panel Discussion
March 12 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
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Join the Center for 21st Century Studies and the Muslim Milwaukee Project for a panel discussion with Milwaukee artists Amal Azzam and Liala Amin.
This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
Prior registration is requested for the purposes of estimating attendance. Please complete the form here. No personal information will be collected.
Panelist Amal Azzam is a Muslim American Artist from the Midwest. Her work reflects the layers of trauma, freedom and misconceptions she carries within her identity. Amal experiments with wearables, screen printing, found objects and photography to express her ideas on the inner struggles of her identity.
Liala Amin is a multidisciplinary artist, and current artist-in-residence at Var Gallery, who focuses on themes of faith, spirituality, personal identity, and symbolism. She views her practice as healing, emphasizing art as an outlet to express personal narratives.
The Muslim Milwaukee Project aims to further understanding of the Muslim communities in the Milwaukee area, to highlight the diversity of identities and experiences and challenge anti-Muslim racism, and to build networks among scholars, artists, and community members who share these goals.