
Content referencing Torre Johnson

Meeting Notice Concerns Mount For SDC Following Layoffs

Meeting Notice Concerns Mount For SDC Following Layoffs

Organization say its volunteer board has complied, experts say they haven’t.

New Housing Center For Those Recovering From Substance Abuse

New Housing Center For Those Recovering From Substance Abuse

Wisconsin Community Services to build project near W. Capitol Drive.

Group Wants Independent North Division

Group Wants Independent North Division

Community group calls for MPS school to be run by independent, African American board.

Black Community Silenced And Excluded By Scott Walker’s Electoral Machine
Press Release

Black Community Silenced And Excluded By Scott Walker’s Electoral Machine

This week, the Republican Party of Wisconsin filed an offensive and blatantly racist challenge to nomination papers filed by Andy Gronik's campaign committee.

City’s Anti-Violence Effort Stalls

City’s Anti-Violence Effort Stalls

Office of Violence Prevention’s plan was due in June. Donovan, others criticize delay.

Recognition is well-deserved for 6th District Difference Makers
Press Release

Recognition is well-deserved for 6th District Difference Makers

“That selfless attitude and generosity of spirit and energy is what the Difference Makers Award is all about...”

Impact of City Reduction in Marijuana Fine?

Impact of City Reduction in Marijuana Fine?

Local leaders offer different views on new city ordinance lowering maximum fine for pot possession to just $50.

Anti-Violence Plan Targets Poor Neighborhoods

Anti-Violence Plan Targets Poor Neighborhoods

City and community groups cite approach that cut violence by 30% in areas of Chicago and Baltimore.