State Rep. Peter Barca
Press Release

Barca, Shankland call Walker ‘deceitful’

Right-to-Work bill distracts from "incredibly harmful" budget, they say

By - Feb 25th, 2015 11:10 am

MADISON – Today, Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) and Assistant Democratic Leader Katrina Shankland (D-Stevens Point) shared an important video that highlights Governor Walker’s stance on the Republicans’ extreme “Right to Work” proposal.

The video shows Governor Walker discussing the importance of private-sector unions during the Act 10 debate.

The Governor said: “The bill I put forward isn’t aimed at state workers, and it certainly isn’t a battle with unions. If it was, we would have eliminated collective bargaining entirely or we would have gone after the private-sector unions. But we did not because they are our partners in economic development. We need them to help us put 250,000 people to work in the private sector over the next four years.”

Representatives Barca and Shankland today urged accountability for Governor Walker on his deceitful actions on RTW and highlighted the fact that its timing is intended to distract the people of Wisconsin from the incredibly harmful Walker budget.

“By his own words, Governor Walker knows that our private-sector unions are critical partners in economic development that put people to work,” Rep. Peter Barca said. “He knows that private-sector unions play an important role in training a safe and effective workforce. Up until a couple weeks ago, he said that Right to Work is a distraction that will hurt efforts to get Wisconsin’s sputtering economy going again. The Governor said that jobs are his top priority and this video again exposes that jobs were never his top priority.”

“The Governor is not just a flip-flopper, he is a master manipulator,” Rep. Shankland added. “There is little doubt that Governor Walker is using this issue to curry favor with right-wing funding sources and distract from his $2.2 billion budget deficit and a state economy that lags behind most of the nation. Democrats are not going to stand idly by as he further harms the middle-class workers and families who are the backbone of this state.”

“This Right to Work distraction is just one more piece of Governor Walker’s concerted effort to hide the damage he’s done to Wisconsin in order to boost his national profile,” Rep. Barca added. “Make no mistake – this is a dramatic and destructive piece of legislation that will result in a huge hit to the middle class. And the timing of this is so clearly meant to cover up the governor’s harmful budget.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release

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State Rep. Peter Barca

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"Along with my Democratic colleagues, I’ll work tirelessly to make this a better deal."


  1. PJ says:

    More obfuscation by Mr. Barca. Walker stated that RTW was not his priority and would distract from more important issues (budget). Plus, RTW is pro-worker. No matter how you squint to make RTW anti-union, it only gives an individual the right to go it alone without the union leash. It does not prohibit or even dissuade one from joining a union. It does make the unions compete for the worker’s dollar (unions must provide value to get people to join).

    Unfortunately the union kool-aid is very potent and very difficult to overpower.

  2. PMD says:

    The anti-union kool-aid is pretty potent as well. Walker did a flip-flop on this. Arguing otherwise is nothing but denial. And if pro-worker is driving down wages while doing the bidding of WMC and their ilk along with the likes of Diane Hendricks, then yes, it’s totally pro-worker.

  3. David says:

    Politicians like Walker have never worked a decent day in their lives have been on the taxpayer and religious dole for most of their lives. They have no historical sense of the struggle of working people across Wisconsin and the USA that fought and died for a simple 8-hour and 40-hour work week.

    Now we have these fascists like Walker running state government as they rule over people instead of managing honest and trustworthy government. The corporate ALEC laws were written by company’s like WalMart and supplied by ALEC, and implemented by proven liars like Walker.

    Politicians like Walker are extremely dangerous people as the continue the assault on hard won freedom and rights. The fascists were beat back in WWII and now they are here in the USA and need to be battled back again. Hopefully our fellow citizens eventually recognize these scum for what they are and fight back. Otherwise our children and grandchildren are in for miserable lives now and into the future.

  4. AG says:

    How did people ever think that Walker would not sign RTW? Again and again he was asked if he’d sign it if it came to his desk and he always skirted answering the question. To me that was an obvious “tell” that he’d sign it. The guy sponsored a RTW bill after all! I believe this probably wasn’t a priority and really did try to avoid the controversy… but this wasn’t pushed by him, so I give it a pass. Even if making it look that way was the plan, I can’t find anything where he said he’d not sign it.

  5. PMD says:

    I never doubted it AG. I doubt most people did. Doesn’t mean he didn’t lie about it and dodge the issue whenever possible (not exactly unintimidated). He seems to be doing the same with a lot of issues (abortion, gay marriage, evolution). Not that this is anything unusual for a politician, but I don’t think he’s the anti-establishment breath of fresh air he repeatedly claims to be. He’s more of the same.

  6. AG says:

    If saying RTW was a “distraction and [he] would discourage pursuing it” is deceitful and a lie then I can think of far far worse things said by many politicians. “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” “I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” and “We did not target tea party groups” all come to mind.

    I don’t know if he ever purported to be anti establishment. I think he presents himself as a fiscal conservative who attempts to reign in big government and holds himself to his own Christian morals. The success of these can be debated, but did he say in his book or something that he’s anti-establishment breadth of fresh air?

  7. PMD says:

    I never said it was the worst lie ever AG.

    He has positioned himself as fresh and anti-establishment.

    Washington, DC = establishment. It’s pretty clear what he’s getting at every time he says we need a president from outside of DC. But I’d say he fits right in and acts like every other politician, breaking promises and dodging uncomfortable questions and telling different things to different audiences.

  8. AG says:

    I’ll give you half a valid point there. But still disagree about him being dishonest about RTW.

  9. AG says:

    Yes, I completely disagree with that. Read their own quotes. He never said he would veto it and always avoided saying he would or wouldn’t sign it. It wasn’t until the legislature finally said it’s coming that he said he’d sign it. Calling him a liar for that is just trying to cause controversy where there really is none… this is just the left being upset that RTW passed the senate.

  10. PMD says:

    Walker this week saying that what he said in 2012 only applied to his first term, that’s pretty lame, especially for someone who fancies himself such a brave warrior fighting unions and special interests and what not. I mean sure some of this is sour grapes from the left, but Walker’s dodging on this for 3 years before suddenly admitting his support, that’s hardly inspiring leadership.

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