Content referencing Jessica Barrera

Adapting to Life During a Pandemic

Adapting to Life During a Pandemic

One year in, five Wisconsinites talk about how they got through a tumultuous year.

People With Disabilities Still Waiting on Unemployment

People With Disabilities Still Waiting on Unemployment

Wisconsin residents left in limbo with dwindling bank accounts.

Disabled Workers Okayed for Pandemic Aid

Disabled Workers Okayed for Pandemic Aid

State gets federal permission to reverse its policy. Problem arose due to Walker-era restrictions passed.

State Unemployment Insurance System Failing Many

State Unemployment Insurance System Failing Many

The pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of the current system, and left many without help.

State Wants Pandemic Aid for Residents on Disability Insurance

State Wants Pandemic Aid for Residents on Disability Insurance

State officials are seeking permission from the federal government.